RDBMS Realm-->Database

Tasks     Related Topics     Attributes



Use this page to define attributes for the JDBC driver being used to connect to the database in the RDBMS security realm. To use the RDBMS security realm, you need to use Compatibility security. The use of the RDBMS security realm is deprecated in this release of WebLogic Server.



Configuring the RDBMS Security Realm

Defining Database Attributes for the RDBMS Security Realm

Defining Database Schema for the RDBMS Security Realm

Configuring the Caching Realm


Related Topics

Introduction to WebLogic Security

Managing WebLogic Security

Securing WebLogic Resources

Programmimg WebLogic Security

Developing Security Providers for WebLogic Server

Securing a Production Environment

The Security topics in the WebLogic Server 8.1 Upgrade Guide

Security FAQ

The Security page in the WebLogic Server documentation



Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Driver The Java class name for the database driver used with the RDBMS security realm. Default: ""
URL The location of the database. Change the URL to the name of the computer on which the database is running and the number of the port at which the database is listening. Default: ""
User Name The username used to login into the database.
Password The password required to log into the database. Encrypted: yes

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