SIP - Specifying the expected message contents
Content verification points report an error if the returned SIP message contents differs from the expected message contents.To specify the expected message contents:
- In the Test Navigator, browse to the test, and double-click it.
- Select a Receive response or Receive request action, and click Add > Content Verification Point. The Select Strings for Content Verification Point window opens, which lists the defined strings.
- To
- set the verification point to search for a defined string, select it in the Text column.
- create a new string, click New String, enter the string and its attributes, and click OK.
- To create a new string by editing another string, select the string and click Duplicate.
- The Test Element Details area displays the verification point attributes. Optionally, edit the attributes as follows:
Option Description Enable verification point If this box is displayed, select it to enable the content verification point. Available strings Select or clear individual strings. Verification fails if Select At least one of the checked strings is found to make the verification point fail if the response contains the specified string. Select None of the checked strings are found to make the verification point fail if the response does not contain the string. Case Insert a plus sign (+) in this column to make the search case-sensitive. Reg Expression Insert a plus sign (+) in this column so that the string is treated as a regular expression. The most common regular expressions are .* for any number of characters, ? for any single character, and \ for an escape to enter literals. For detailed information on Java regular expressions, see the Java documentation. End Byte Insert a number in this column so that the search stops at that byte in the response. New String Click to create a string. Duplicate String Click to create a duplicate string, which you can then edit.
What to do next
By default, a string that you specify for a Content verification point is available to all tests.To make the string available only to a specific test or to clear the list of strings that are displayed when you create a verification point, change the Content verification point preferences.
To do so, click Window > Preferences > Test > Test Editor. On the General tab, change the option in the Content Verification Points area.
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