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Add a Receive response

You can add a Receive response as a child element of a request, which produces a more readable SIP test layout. You can also add a Receive response as a separate action, with which you can create overlapping contexts.

A best practice for SIP tests is to put a request and its associated response into a transaction. By doing this, the performance information in reports is organized into meaningful units. In addition, the schedule run generates a Transaction report. For instructions on how to put a test element into a transaction, see Add a transaction to a test. To add a Receive response to a test:

  1. In the Test Navigator, browse to the test, and double-click it.

  2. Select a control block element (such as a test or a loop), and click Add > Receive Response. The New SIP Response wizard opens.

  3. Select the expected response code.

  4. Select the corresponding request from the list, and then click Finish. The wizard closes, and the Test Element Details area displays the response attributes.

  5. In the Test Element Details area, edit the attributes as follows:

    General Tab


    These fields are automatically populated with the status value and the reason value of the selected response. You can change these values.


    Select the name of the context to open the SIP Context Registry page, which lists the contexts that the test contains. On the SIP Context Registry page, select the response to return to the Test Element Details area.

    Message Headers

    Click Add to add a message header, and then click Table View to return to the Message Headers table. Adding message headers enables you to perform data correlation on the received headers after the run completes.

    Body Contents

    Optional: Type the content of the message so that you can perform data correlation on the received content after the test run.

    Advanced Tab


    Type the number of seconds to wait until the response is received; the default is 10 seconds.

    If response is not received before timeout

    Select the action to take when a response is not received before the Timeout value is reached. The typical action is to stop and fail the response. You can also continue the test and set the result of the response to Fail (in the log file) or leave the result unaffected. Select the latter option if the test contains valid cases in which no response is expected.


    Click to open the related request. In the Test Contents area, select the response to return to the Test Element Details area.

Related tasks

  • Add a Send request
  • Add a Receive request
  • Add a Send response
  • Add a delay