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Configure background registration

If the registration is not part of the tested functions, you can decouple a SIP test scenario from registration activities. The background registration feature enables you to decouple a test scenario from registration activities. When a SIP test has background registration configured, the registration actions are executed in parallel to the main test actions. The registration actions include sending a REGISTER request with configured contact headers and accepting responses from the registrar server.

To maintain the registered contact records, the REGISTER request is resent each 10 minutes until the main test terminates. The first action of the main test starts only after the OK response has arrived, indicating that the first REGISTER request has succeeded.

To configure background registration:

  1. In the Test Navigator, browse to the test, and double-click it.

  2. In the Test Element Details area, click the SIP Options tab.

  3. Select Use background registration to enable the background registration.

  4. Type the URI of the registrar server in the Registrar URI field.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Type the address of the record URI in the Address of Record field.

  7. Type the contact URI in the Contacts field. Typically, the contacts field contains a single contact URI, for example, alice@host1:5555/udp. Separate multiple URIs by commas: alice@host1:5555/udp;q=0.9, alice@host2:5060;q=0.1.Tip:

    To keep these items in sync, modify the address of record, which is the

    To and From header, and the contacts, which is the Contact header in the sent REGISTER request, together.

  8. Add any additional addresses of record to be registered in the background, and then click OK.


  • SIP test editor overview
  • Add SIP contexts
  • About SIP headers
  • Add sequence patterns to SIP tests

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