Remove instrumentation using the command prompt


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Before you uninstall the data collection infrastructure, remove instrumentation from all appservers that were instrumented to work with the data collection infrastructure.

If you have uninstalled the application server, or removed an instance of the application server, the instrumentation utility will not be able to remove instrumentation from the server. This will block the uninstallation process for the data collection infrastructure. Do not uninstall an application server before you have removed instrumentation from the application server.

To remove instrumentation from appservers...

Enter the command name with no arguments to see the syntax details for the command.

$ ./instrumentServer.bat

Usage: instrumentServer [-install | -uninstall | -help] 
                         -type <type> 
                         -serverName <name> 
                         -serverHome <home> 
                        [-user <username> -password <password>] 

  -commandline                  -- Use the command line console script instead of the GUI
  -install                      -- Install J2EE instrumentation.
  -uninstall                    -- Uninstall J2EE instrumentation.
  -force                        -- Force the uninstall and ignore errors. 
                                   Warning: Use this only as a last resort, as it may leave servers in an improper state.
  -type <type>                  -- The type of server (IBM or BEA).
  -serverName <name>            -- Server instance name (e.g. server1).
  -serverHome <path>            -- Server install location.
  -user <username>              -- Application server user name.
  -password <password>          -- Application server password.
  ...                           -- Server type-specific options.

  IBM WebSphere Application Server options (<type> equals IBM)
  -serverVersion <version>      -- Application server version (5 or 6).
  -profileName <name>           -- Profile name (version 6 only).
  -embedded                     -- For embedded unit test environment servers.

  BEA WebLogic Application Server options (<type> equals BEA)
  -nodeManaged                  -- Used when server is node managed.
  -javaHome <path>              -- Application server Java home.
  -adminServerHost <host>       -- Domain administrative server host.
  -adminServerPort <port>       -- Domain administrative server port.
  -startScript <scriptfile>     -- Full path to script that starts the server.

Restart the server.

Repeat the previous steps for each server that you instrumented for data collection. All instrumented servers are listed in the file...

For example...

After you have removed instrumentation from all servers, the InstrumentationRegistry.xml file will be empty.


To remove instrumentation from a Windows computer that is equipped with an IBM WAS V6.1, where the server is named my_Server, installed in C:\IBM\was6.1, with security enabled, type the following command and arguments:

What to do next


  • Data collection infrastructure overview
  • Instrumenting local servers
  • Instrumenting remote servers
  • Instrumenting servers using the command prompt
  • Starting the data collection infrastructure
  • Stopping the data collection infrastructure
  • Remove instrumentation