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Extending Rational Performance Tester to support other protocols

The Rational Performance Tester Extensibility Software Development Kit (SDK) enables you to create extensions to support new protocols without modifying the core product code. You can create an extension that provides functionality in addition to the HTTP protocol support that is standard in Performance Tester.

Rational Performance Tester is a performance testing tool and part of the Rational Software Delivery Platform. Rational Performance Tester provides the capability to emulate multiple users applying load on a system under test.

To test performance, you record a test and subsequently replicate it, and then play it back against the system being tested. Refer to the Rational Performance Tester product infocenter for more details.

Rational Performance Tester supports the HTTP protocol. The goal of the Extensibility SDK is to provide a framework that supports the development of various protocols which can be plugged into Rational Performance Tester.

To develop support for protocols in Rational Performance Tester, be familiar with the following areas:

For examples of Rational Performance Tester extensions, see the following plug-ins:

See also

  1. Protocol extension structure
  2. Extending the test recorder
  3. Extending the test generator
  4. Extending the load test behavior model
  5. Extending data correlation
  6. Extending the test editor
  7. Extending the schedule component
  8. Extending code generation
  9. Extending the run-time environment
  10. Extending the test log viewer
  11. Extending evaluation results