Extending the test generator
When a test is generated, raw recorded data is converted into a test. When you extend test generation for a particular protocol, you modify the way that raw recorded data is converted so that the test can be used for protocol.The following two methods in the IC2ProtocolHandler interface have been modified in version 7.0:
- public void init(IC2ExtensionPreferences prefs, String testsuiteName) throws C2InitializationException:
There is now one more argument to this method, which is the name of the test suite. This is the name that was entered in the Recorder wizard.
- public void process(LTTest ltTest) throws C2TestgenException:
The LTTest that is generated in the new version is passed as an argument to this method. The LTTest will be used by the protocol handler.
For a sample of an extension to the test generator, see the plug-in...
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