A test recorder captures user interactions with an application. These interactions are saved, and a test is generated from these recorded actions.
Extend the test recorder
To create a custom test recorder...
- Add the Generic Recorder extension point to the Generic Recorder Framework (GRF)
- Extend the recorder user interface wizard and the four main GRF helper classes
Components include...
- GRF helper classes
- functioning recorders
- user interface wizard
- Agent Controller
The GRF is part of the Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP).
The recorder runs on the Agent Controller and produces a recording file.
The Recorder framework in the prior releases required a protocol extension to extend three extension points to provide the following items:
- A main tool bar button to invoke the protocol-specific recorder using...
- A toolbar button on the Recorder Control view to start the protocol-specific recorder using...
- The wizard pages to start the protocol-specific recorder using...
The GRF unifies the recording experience across all extensions. In the current framework, there is now a single recorder button on the main toolbar as well as the Recorder Control View toolbar. There is also a single entry for the Test From Recoding recorder wizard in the user interface, located in...
File > New Wizard
You use the protocol extension to provide a recorder for this wizard and any associated wizard pages.
To provide a protocol recorder, replace the previously described extension points with the single extension point...
This extension point defines a recorder. The recorder attributes that need to be provided in this extension point are as follows:
Attribute Base class Purpose execOptionsProvider org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.framework.AbstractRecorderExecOptionsProvider The fully-qualified path of the Recorder class. Provides a list of JARs that must be in the class path. fileExtension None. The extension of the recording file name. Default is recmodel. ID None. A string that is the ID of this recorder. Name None. A string that appears in the user interface to denote the recorder. recorderAgent org.eclipse.hyades.execution.recorder.remote.RecorderAgent Main recorder class that runs on the agent. The same class that is registered from the Exec Options Provider class. recorderClientHelper org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.framework.RecorderClientHelperAdapter Enable the recorder wizard to perform pre-processing and post-processing during recording. recorderMessageHandlers org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.messages.AbstractRecorderMessageProvider Processes the recorder messages. requiresIntermediateFile None. Default is true. wizardPageProvider org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.ui.wizards.DefaultRecWizardProvider Provides a list of wizard pages. Performs the tasks when Finished is clicked.
Related information
API references