Extend the test recorder


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A test recorder captures user interactions with an application. These interactions are saved, and a test is generated from these recorded actions.

To create a custom test recorder...

  1. Add the Generic Recorder extension point to the Generic Recorder Framework (GRF)
  2. Extend the recorder user interface wizard and the four main GRF helper classes

Components include...

The GRF is part of the Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP).

The recorder runs on the Agent Controller and produces a recording file.

The Recorder framework in the prior releases required a protocol extension to extend three extension points to provide the following items:

The GRF unifies the recording experience across all extensions. In the current framework, there is now a single recorder button on the main toolbar as well as the Recorder Control View toolbar. There is also a single entry for the Test From Recoding recorder wizard in the user interface, located in...

You use the protocol extension to provide a recorder for this wizard and any associated wizard pages.

To provide a protocol recorder, replace the previously described extension points with the single extension point...

This extension point defines a recorder. The recorder attributes that need to be provided in this extension point are as follows:

Attribute Base class Purpose
execOptionsProvider org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.framework.AbstractRecorderExecOptionsProvider The fully-qualified path of the Recorder class. Provides a list of JARs that must be in the class path.
fileExtension None. The extension of the recording file name. Default is recmodel.
ID None. A string that is the ID of this recorder.
Name None. A string that appears in the user interface to denote the recorder.
recorderAgent org.eclipse.hyades.execution.recorder.remote.RecorderAgent Main recorder class that runs on the agent. The same class that is registered from the Exec Options Provider class.
recorderClientHelper org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.framework.RecorderClientHelperAdapter Enable the recorder wizard to perform pre-processing and post-processing during recording.
recorderMessageHandlers org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.messages.AbstractRecorderMessageProvider Processes the recorder messages.
requiresIntermediateFile None. Default is true.
wizardPageProvider org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.ui.wizards.DefaultRecWizardProvider Provides a list of wizard pages. Performs the tasks when Finished is clicked.

Related information

  • API references