Edit a datapool



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You can add, modify, or remove data from a datapool, similar to the way you work with a spreadsheet using the Datapool Editor.

If datapool changes are extensive, it might be easier to delete the datapool, enter the revised data into a CSV file, and import the data into a new datapool. If changes are minor, it is easier to edit the datapool.

To edit a datapool:

  1. In the Test Navigator, double-click the datapool to open the Datapool Editor.

    Option Description
    To change the data in a cell Type over the data, just like you would do in a spreadsheet.
    To add a row Right-click the row above the one to be added, and select Add Record.
    To remove a row Right-click the row to be deleted, and select Remove Record.
    To add and populate a column

    1. Click the Overview tab.

    2. In the Variables section, click the column above the one to be added, and click the Add button.

    3. Click the EquivalenceClass1 tab to display the datapool cells.

      To populate the cells, type directly into each one.

    To change a column name

    1. Click the Overview tab.

    2. In the Variables section, double-click the column name and type the correct name.

    To change the order of a column

    1. Click the Overview tab.

    2. In the Variables section, select the column name and click the Up or Down buttons to manipulate the column position.

  2. Close the datapool and save changes.


  • Datapool overview
  • How datapool options affect values that a virtual user retrieves
  • Encrypted datapools overview
  • Create a datapool associated with a test
  • Create a datapool in the workspace
  • Import a CSV file into a datapool
  • Enable a test to use a datapool
  • Associate a test value with a datapool column
  • View datapool candidates when you open a test
  • Use a digital certificate store with a datapool
  • Navigate between a datapool and a test