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Citrix synchronization overview

During the Citrix session run, the test uses window events or image recognition to ensure that the correct user input actions are maintained on track with the application events coming from the Citrix server.

The synchronization mechanism enables the test to remain synchronized without relying only on the timing, which can vary depending on the load on the Citrix server.

Synchronization is different from the function of verification points. Verification points check specified values of the application, such as window synchronizations, and produce a test status: pass, fail, error, or inconclusive. Synchronization is used for test execution and produces synchronization timeouts in the test log when the test fails to recognize the server output. Synchronization occurs on window events or through the recognition of a screen area that you specify.

During test execution, the test waits for the window event or the image recognition to synchronize the user actions independently from the load on the server. If an expected window event fails to occur or an expected image is not recognized, then the test produces a synchronization timeout that is reported in the test log. The test attempts to resume the execution at the next synchronization point.

The base timeout delay is specified in the Citrix test generation preferences; however, the actual delay varies with the level of synchronization. There are three levels of synchronization for window events and images that can be specified for each element in the test editor:

You can override the default timeout values for each synchronization element in the test editor. The test recorder automatically sets the recommended synchronization level for window events depending on their nature:


  • Citrix performance testing guidelines
  • Citrix synchronization overview