IBM Rational Functional Tester
Version 8.1.1000
IBM Rational Functional Tester API Reference

Project Version 2.3

Package com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces

Interface Summary
IBrowserObject Supported by objects that represent HTML browser objects.
IClickTo Performs the necessary mouse actions to attain the desired state specified by the subitem.
IFileDialog Defines the methods uniquely associated with a file-dialog type of control.
IFrame Defines the interface for frame GUI objects.
IGraphical Supported by all GUI objects.
IGraphicalSubitem Defines methods that enable access to actions replayed by the mouse or keyboard.
IInternalFrame Defines the interface for internalframe GUI objects.
IScreen Provides simple access to a Screen object.
IScrollable Defines the methods necessary for supporting scrolling, relative to a particular component.
ISelect Provides meta-actions for selectable subitems in a control.
ISubitem Defines the methods that must be supported for access to subitems.
ITestObjectReference Defines the standard interface for all TestObjectReference objects.
IText Exposes methods that are explicitly associated with a text type control.
IToggle Supports objects with binary state characteristics such as check boxes, radio buttons, and toggle buttons.
IToggleGUI Extends the definition of the IToggle interface to include actions that directly use the mouse.
ITopWindow Defines the interface for top-level GUI objects.
IWindow Provides access to the native window management system; any use of this interface is likely to be platform specific.

Class Summary
BrowserTabTestObject IBM Confidential IBM Rational Functional Tester (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2008, 2009.
BrowserTestObject Provides script access to the general browser, which is the HTML Browser TestObject class.
ColorDialogTestObject Represents native-style Color dialog.
CrossDomainContainer Extends the base TestObject .
DialogTestObject Represents native-style Dialog controls.
DocumentTestObject Provides script access to the general browser, which is the HTML Browser TestObject class.
DomainTestObject Provides access to an object domain.
EclipseTestObject Provides Script access to Eclipse User Interface.
EmbeddedBrowserTestObject Provides script access to the general embedded browser, which is the HTML Browser TestObject class.
FileDialogTestObject Represents native-style file dialog controls.
FrameSubitemTestObject Provides subitem methods for frame controls.
FrameTestObject Represents frame objects in the system under test.
GefEditPartTestObject Provides script access to an EditPart in GEF based applications.
GuiSubitemTestObject Provides access to actions replayed by the mouse or keyboard.
GuiTestObject The core class for modeling GUI components.
InternalFrameTestObject Represents frame objects in the system under test.
MessageBoxTestObject Represents native-style Message Box dialog.
ProcessTestObject Provides, in a host-independent manner, access to process information that is specific to the operating system.
RootTestObject The RootTestObject represents a global view of the system being tested.
ScrollGuiSubitemTestObject Provides access to actions replayed by the mouse or keyboard.
ScrollTestObject Provides methods to move horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
SelectGuiSubitemTestObject For internal use only.
SelectScrollGuiSubitemTestObject Provides access to actions replayed by the mouse or keyboard.
ShellTestObject Represents org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell objects in the System Under Test.
StatelessGuiSubitemTestObject Provides access to actions replayed by the mouse or keyboard.
SubitemTestObject Defines the methods that must be programmatically supported for access to subitems.
TestObject Provides access to objects in the software under test.
TextGuiSubitemTestObject Provides meta-actions on text in a control.
TextGuiTestObject Provides access to text in a control.
TextScrollTestObject Provides methods to move horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
TextSelectGuiSubitemTestObject Extends commmand to access text on a selectable TestObject.
ToggleGUITestObject Extends the definition of the IToggle interface to include actions that directly use the mouse.
ToggleTestObject Serves as the base TestObject implementation of the IToggle interface.
TopLevelSubitemTestObject Represents top-level window objects in the system under test that support subitems.
TopLevelTestObject Represents top-level window objects in the system under test.
TrackbarTestObject Provides subitem methods for trackbar controls.