IBM Rational Functional Tester
Version 8.1.1000
IBM Rational Functional Tester API Reference

Project Version 2.3

Class TopLevelSubitemTestObject

java.lang.Object   extended by com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.TestObject
      extended by com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.ClientTestObject
          extended by com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.GuiTestObject
              extended by com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.StatelessGuiSubitemTestObject
                  extended by com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.GuiSubitemTestObject
                      extended by com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.FrameSubitemTestObject
                          extended by com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.TopLevelSubitemTestObject
All Implemented Interfaces:
IFrame, IGraphical, IGraphicalSubitem, ISubitem, ITopWindow

public class TopLevelSubitemTestObject
extends FrameSubitemTestObject
implements ITopWindow

Represents top-level window objects in the system under test that support subitems. These classes are typically frames or dialog objects that support subitems such as the Close Button, the Minimize Button, and scrollbars.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.TestObject
Fields inherited from interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.ITopWindow
Constructor Summary
TopLevelSubitemTestObject( mappedObject)
          For internal use.
TopLevelSubitemTestObject( mappedObject, TestObject anchor)
          For internal use.
TopLevelSubitemTestObject( mappedObject, TestObject anchor, long scriptCommandFlags)
          For internal use.
TopLevelSubitemTestObject(TestObject obj)
          Constructs one TopLevelSubitemTestObject from another TestObject.
TopLevelSubitemTestObject(com.rational.test.ft.object.TestObjectReference ref)
          For internal use.
Method Summary
 void activate()
          Causes the associated window control to become the active window if possible.
 void clickDisabled()
          Records all actions performed against an inactive window.
 void inputChars(java.lang.String keys)
          Sends the supplied characters to the associated window.
 void inputKeys(java.lang.String keys)
          Sends the supplied characters to the associated window.
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.FrameSubitemTestObject
close, contextHelp, isIconified, maximize, minimize, move, resize, restore
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.GuiSubitemTestObject
describe, setState, setState, setState
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.StatelessGuiSubitemTestObject
click, click, click, click, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, drag, drag, drag, drag, drag, drag, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, getScreenPoint, getScreenPoint, getScreenRectangle, getSubitem, hover, hover, hover, hover, mouseMove, mouseMove, mouseMove, mouseMove, nClick, nClickDrag, nClickDrag, nClickDragToScreenPoint, nClickDragToScreenPoint
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.GuiTestObject
canTakeVP, click, click, click, click, clickRadio, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, drag, drag, drag, drag, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, ensureObjectIsVisible, getChildAtPoint, getClippedScreenRectangle, getImage, getImage, getScreenPoint, getScreenPoint, getScreenRectangle, getScreenSnapshot, getVisibleArea, hasFocus, hover, hover, hover, hover, invokeProxyWithGuiDelay, invokeProxyWithGuiDelay, isEnabled, isOpaque, isPointInObject, isShowing, mouseMove, mouseMove, nClick, nClickDrag, nClickDragToScreenPoint
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.ClientTestObject
exists, find, find, findAndInvoke, findAndInvokeProxy, invoke, invokeProxy, unregister, waitForExistence
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.TestObject
compare, compare, compareAndLog, compareAndLog, equals, find, findAndInvoke, getActualData, getChildren, getDescribedObject, getDescribedObjects, getDescriptiveName, getDomain, getField, getIndexer, getIndexer, getIndexers, getMappableChildren, getMappableParent, getMapProperties, getMethods, getNameInScript, getNonValueProperties, getObjectClassName, getObjectCustomClassName, getObjectReference, getOwnedObjects, getOwner, getParent, getProcess, getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyFromMap, getRecognitionProperties, getRecognitionPropertyWeight, getScriptCommandFlags, getStandardProperties, getTestData, getTestDataTypes, getTopMappableParent, getTopParent, hashCode, invoke, invokeProxy, isMappedObject, isSameObject, isScreenTestObject, isTopLevelTestObject, performTest, performTest, performTest, performTest, setIndexer, setIndexer, setMapProperties, setProperty, toString, updateTestData, waitForExistence
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IFrame
close, contextHelp, isIconified, maximize, minimize, move, resize, restore
Methods inherited from interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphical
click, click, click, click, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, drag, drag, drag, drag, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, getChildAtPoint, getClippedScreenRectangle, getScreenPoint, getScreenPoint, getScreenRectangle, hasFocus, hover, hover, hover, hover, isEnabled, isOpaque, isPointInObject, isShowing, mouseMove, mouseMove, nClick, nClickDrag, nClickDragToScreenPoint
Methods inherited from interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem
click, click, click, click, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, drag, drag, drag, drag, drag, drag, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, getScreenPoint, getScreenPoint, getScreenRectangle, getSubitem, hover, hover, hover, hover, mouseMove, mouseMove, mouseMove, mouseMove, nClick, nClickDrag, nClickDrag, nClickDragToScreenPoint, nClickDragToScreenPoint

Constructor Detail


public TopLevelSubitemTestObject( mappedObject)
For internal use.



public TopLevelSubitemTestObject( mappedObject,                                  TestObject anchor)
For internal use.



public TopLevelSubitemTestObject( mappedObject,                                  TestObject anchor,                                  long scriptCommandFlags)
For internal use.



public TopLevelSubitemTestObject(com.rational.test.ft.object.TestObjectReference ref)
For internal use.



public TopLevelSubitemTestObject(TestObject obj)
Constructs one TopLevelSubitemTestObject from another TestObject. Both are references to the same object.

Method Detail


public void inputKeys(java.lang.String keys)
Sends the supplied characters to the associated window. The window is responsible for sending the characters on to the appropriate controls nested in that window. The characters in the given string are interpreted according to the rules documented under ITopWindow.inputKeys.

Specified by:
inputKeys in interface ITopWindow
keys - the characters to be processed by this window


public void inputChars(java.lang.String keys)
Sends the supplied characters to the associated window. The window is responsible for sending the characters on to the appropriate controls nested in that window. The characters are uninterpreted. For example, inputChars("+a+b") emits "+a+b", in contrast to inputKeys("+a+b"), which interprets the "+" as a shift and emits "AB".

Specified by:
inputChars in interface ITopWindow
keys - The characters to be processed by this window


public void activate()
Causes the associated window control to become the active window if possible. If this is not possible, an appropriate exception is thrown. Common causes for the window to not become active are that another window is modal or that the window cannot be displayed.

Specified by:
activate in interface ITopWindow


public void clickDisabled()
Records all actions performed against an inactive window. Top objects become inactive when a modal dialog box prevents them from becoming active. Actions against an inactive window cause the topmost modal dialog box to be activated instead of the TestObject.

Specified by:
clickDisabled in interface ITopWindow