Class FlexTabNavigatorTestObject
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- IGraphical
public class FlexTabNavigatorTestObject
- extends FlexViewStackTestObject
The TabNavigator container extends the ViewStack container by including a TabBar container for navigating between its child containers.
Like a ViewStack container, a TabNavigator container has a collection of child containers, in which only one child at a time is visible.
Flex automatically creates a TabBar container at the top of the TabNavigator container, with a tab corresponding to each child container.
Each tab can have its own label and icon. When the user clicks a tab, the corresponding child container becomes visible as the selected child of the TabNavigator container.
Fields inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.TestObject |
ref |
Method Summary |
void |
click(Subitem item)
Dispatched when user clickes over any of the tabs in the tabNavigator |
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.flex.FlexContainerTestObject |
dragCancel, dragCancel, dragDrop, dragDrop, dragDrop, dragDrop, dragStart, dragStart, dragStart, mouseScroll, scroll, scroll |
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.flex.FlexObjectTestObject |
changeFocus, changeFocus, changeFocus, changeFocus, click, click, click, getAutomationChildAt, invokeProxyWithGuiDelay, invokeProxyWithGuiDelay, performAction, performAction, performAction, performAction, performAction, performAction, performTest, setFocus |
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.GuiTestObject |
canTakeVP, click, click, clickRadio, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, drag, drag, drag, drag, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, ensureObjectIsVisible, getChildAtPoint, getClippedScreenRectangle, getImage, getImage, getScreenPoint, getScreenPoint, getScreenRectangle, getScreenSnapshot, getVisibleArea, hasFocus, hover, hover, hover, hover, isEnabled, isOpaque, isPointInObject, isShowing, mouseMove, mouseMove, nClick, nClickDrag, nClickDragToScreenPoint |
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.TestObject |
compare, compare, compareAndLog, compareAndLog, equals, find, findAndInvoke, getActualData, getChildren, getDescribedObject, getDescribedObjects, getDescriptiveName, getDomain, getField, getIndexer, getIndexer, getIndexers, getMappableChildren, getMappableParent, getMapProperties, getMethods, getNameInScript, getNonValueProperties, getObjectClassName, getObjectCustomClassName, getObjectReference, getOwnedObjects, getOwner, getParent, getProcess, getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyFromMap, getRecognitionProperties, getRecognitionPropertyWeight, getScriptCommandFlags, getStandardProperties, getTestData, getTestDataTypes, getTopMappableParent, getTopParent, hashCode, invoke, invokeProxy, isMappedObject, isSameObject, isScreenTestObject, isTopLevelTestObject, performTest, performTest, performTest, setIndexer, setIndexer, setMapProperties, setProperty, toString, updateTestData, waitForExistence |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
public FlexTabNavigatorTestObject( mappedObject)
public FlexTabNavigatorTestObject( mappedObject, TestObject anchor)
public FlexTabNavigatorTestObject( mappedObject, TestObject anchor, long scriptCommandFlags)
public FlexTabNavigatorTestObject(com.rational.test.ft.object.TestObjectReference ref)
public FlexTabNavigatorTestObject(TestObject obj)
public void click(Subitem item)
- Dispatched when user clickes over any of the tabs in the tabNavigator
- Parameters:
- the tab over which the user clicked