Work with application visuals

Application visuals are snapshots of the controls or screens of the test application that are captured while recording scripts. The visuals of the test application are captured only if both the simplified scripting and the application visuals feature preferences are enabled.

Application visuals provide a quick way to view application controls and also modify the script without opening the test application.

Use the application visuals, you can modify the test script to test additional application controls, create or edit verification points, or insert data-driven commands into the script without opening the application under test.

The application visuals feature works only with JRE version 1.4 and above.

Related tasks

Enable application visuals

Insert an application control into the script by using an application visual

Update the application visuals in the Application view

Insert a data verification point into a script by using an application visual

Insert an image verification point into a script by using an application visual

Create group verification points

Editing a simplified script

Insert data-driven commands into a script by using an application visual

Related reference

Application View


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