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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.0


Uses of Interface

Packages that use IMemento
org.eclipse.debug.ui Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard workbench extension points. 
org.eclipse.search.ui Provides classes and interfaces to run search queries and manage their results.  
org.eclipse.search.ui.text Provides the interface for a default search result page for textual searches.  
org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize Contains the team synchronization presentation framework and support for the Synchronize View. 
org.eclipse.ui Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface.  
org.eclipse.ui.intro Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface.  
org.eclipse.ui.part Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate with the Eclipse Platform User Interface.  
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the desktop rules.  
org.eclipse.ui.views.bookmarkexplorer Provides the standard Bookmarks view which displays bookmarks on resources.  
org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist Provides support for a web-browser style of navigation within a view by maintaining a list of frames.  
org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator Provides the standard Resource Navigator view which presents the tree of resources in the workspace.  
org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist Provides the standard Task List view for displaying tasks and problem annotations on resources.  

Uses of IMemento in org.eclipse.debug.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui that return IMemento
protected  IMemento AbstractDebugView.getMemento()
          Returns the memento that contains the persisted state of the view.

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui with parameters of type IMemento
 void AbstractDebugView.init(IViewSite site, IMemento memento)
protected  void AbstractDebugView.setMemento(IMemento memento)
          Sets the memento that contains the persisted state of the view.

Uses of IMemento in org.eclipse.search.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.search.ui with parameters of type IMemento
 void ISearchResultPage.restoreState(IMemento memento)
          Restores the page state.
 void ISearchResultPage.saveState(IMemento memento)
          Saves the page state in a memento.

Uses of IMemento in org.eclipse.search.ui.text

Methods in org.eclipse.search.ui.text with parameters of type IMemento
 void AbstractTextSearchViewPage.restoreState(IMemento memento)
          Restores the page state. Note that this applies only to state that is saved across sessions. Subclasses may extend this method.
 void AbstractTextSearchViewPage.saveState(IMemento memento)
          { @inheritDoc } Subclasses my extend this method.

Uses of IMemento in org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize

Methods in org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize with parameters of type IMemento
 void WorkingSetScope.saveState(IMemento memento)
protected  void WorkingSetScope.init(IMemento memento)
 void SubscriberParticipant.init(String secondaryId, IMemento memento)
 void SubscriberParticipant.saveState(IMemento memento)
 void ResourceScope.saveState(IMemento memento)
protected  void ResourceScope.init(IMemento memento)
 void ISynchronizeParticipant.init(String secondaryId, IMemento memento)
          Initializes this participant with the given participant state.
 void ISynchronizeParticipant.saveState(IMemento memento)
          Saves the participants object state within the memento.
protected static void AbstractSynchronizeScope.saveScope(ISynchronizeScope scope, IMemento settings)
          Save the scope to the given memento
protected static ISynchronizeScope AbstractSynchronizeScope.createScope(IMemento settings)
          Restore a scope from the given memento
 void AbstractSynchronizeScope.saveState(IMemento memento)
          Persist the state of this scope.
protected  void AbstractSynchronizeScope.init(IMemento memento)
          Method invoked from the contructor which repopulats the fields of this scope
 void AbstractSynchronizeParticipant.init(String secondaryId, IMemento memento)
          Classes that are persisted must override this method and perform the following initialization.
 void AbstractSynchronizeParticipant.saveState(IMemento memento)

Constructors in org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize with parameters of type IMemento
WorkingSetScope(IMemento memento)
          Create this scope from it's previously saved state
ResourceScope(IMemento memento)
          Create this scope from it's previously saved state
AbstractSynchronizeScope(IMemento memento)
          Constuctor a scope from a previously saved state

Uses of IMemento in org.eclipse.ui

Classes in org.eclipse.ui that implement IMemento
 class XMLMemento
          This class represents the default implementation of the IMemento interface.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui that return IMemento
 IMemento XMLMemento.createChild(String type)
 IMemento XMLMemento.createChild(String type, String id)
 IMemento XMLMemento.copyChild(IMemento child)
 IMemento XMLMemento.getChild(String type)
 IMemento[] XMLMemento.getChildren(String type)
 IMemento IMemento.createChild(String type)
          Creates a new child of this memento with the given type.
 IMemento IMemento.createChild(String type, String id)
          Creates a new child of this memento with the given type and id.
 IMemento IMemento.getChild(String type)
          Returns the first child with the given type id.
 IMemento[] IMemento.getChildren(String type)
          Returns all children with the given type id.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui with parameters of type IMemento
 IMemento XMLMemento.copyChild(IMemento child)
 void XMLMemento.putMemento(IMemento memento)
 IWorkingSet IWorkingSetManager.createWorkingSet(IMemento memento)
          Re-creates and returns a working set from the state captured within the given memento.
 void IViewPart.init(IViewSite site, IMemento memento)
          Initializes this view with the given view site.
 void IViewPart.saveState(IMemento memento)
          Saves the object state within a memento.
 void IPersistableElement.saveState(IMemento memento)
          Saves the state of the object in the given memento.
 void INavigationLocation.saveState(IMemento memento)
          Persists the state of this location into the memento
 void INavigationLocation.restoreState(IMemento memento)
          Restore the state of this location from the memento
 void IMemento.putMemento(IMemento memento)
          Copy the attributes and children from memento to the receiver.
 IAdaptable IElementFactory.createElement(IMemento memento)
          Re-creates and returns an object from the state captured within the given memento.

Uses of IMemento in org.eclipse.ui.intro

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.intro with parameters of type IMemento
 void IIntroPart.init(IIntroSite site, IMemento memento)
          Initializes this intro part with the given intro site.
 void IIntroPart.saveState(IMemento memento)
          Saves the object state within a memento.

Uses of IMemento in org.eclipse.ui.intro.config

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.intro.config with parameters of type IMemento
 void IStandbyContentPart.init(IIntroPart introPart, IMemento memento)
          Initializes this intro standby content part with the given intro site.
 void IStandbyContentPart.saveState(IMemento memento)
          Saves the object state within a memento.
 void CustomizableIntroPart.init(IIntroSite site, IMemento memento)
 void CustomizableIntroPart.saveState(IMemento memento)

Uses of IMemento in org.eclipse.ui.part

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.part with parameters of type IMemento
 void ViewPart.init(IViewSite site, IMemento memento)
 void ViewPart.saveState(IMemento memento)
 void IntroPart.init(IIntroSite site, IMemento memento)
          The base implementation of this IIntroPartmethod ignores the memento and initializes the part in a fresh state.
 void IntroPart.saveState(IMemento memento)
          The base implementation of this IIntroPart method does nothing.
 IAdaptable FileEditorInputFactory.createElement(IMemento memento)
static void FileEditorInputFactory.saveState(IMemento memento, FileEditorInput input)
          Saves the state of the given file editor input into the given memento.
 void FileEditorInput.saveState(IMemento memento)
 void ViewPart.init(IViewSite site, IMemento memento)
 void ViewPart.saveState(IMemento memento)
 void IntroPart.init(IIntroSite site, IMemento memento)
          The base implementation of this IIntroPartmethod ignores the memento and initializes the part in a fresh state.
 void IntroPart.saveState(IMemento memento)
          The base implementation of this IIntroPart method does nothing.
 IAdaptable FileEditorInputFactory.createElement(IMemento memento)
static void FileEditorInputFactory.saveState(IMemento memento, FileEditorInput input)
          Saves the state of the given file editor input into the given memento.
 void FileEditorInput.saveState(IMemento memento)

Uses of IMemento in org.eclipse.ui.presentations

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.presentations with parameters of type IMemento
 void StackPresentation.saveState(IPresentationSerializer context, IMemento memento)
          Saves the state of this presentation to the given memento.
 void StackPresentation.restoreState(IPresentationSerializer context, IMemento memento)
          Restores the state of this presentation to a previously saved state.

Uses of IMemento in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor with parameters of type IMemento
 void TextSelectionNavigationLocation.restoreState(IMemento memento)
          Restores the object state from the given memento.
 void TextSelectionNavigationLocation.saveState(IMemento memento)
          Stores the object state into the given memento.

Uses of IMemento in org.eclipse.ui.views.bookmarkexplorer

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.bookmarkexplorer with parameters of type IMemento
 void BookmarkNavigator.init(IViewSite site, IMemento memento)
 void BookmarkNavigator.saveState(IMemento memento)

Uses of IMemento in org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist with parameters of type IMemento
 void TreeFrame.restoreState(IMemento memento)
          Restore the frame from the specified memento.
 void TreeFrame.saveState(IMemento memento)
          Save the frame state in the given memento.

Uses of IMemento in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator with parameters of type IMemento
 void ResourceNavigator.init(IViewSite site, IMemento memento)
protected  void ResourceNavigator.restoreState(IMemento memento)
          Restores the state of the receiver to the state described in the specified memento.
 void ResourceNavigator.saveState(IMemento memento)

Uses of IMemento in org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist with parameters of type IMemento
 void TaskList.init(IViewSite site, IMemento memento)
 void TaskList.saveState(IMemento memento)



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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.0

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