Eclipse Platform Release 3.0 | ||||||||||
Interface Summary | |
IContributedContentsView | This interface is used to identify workbench views which allow other parts (typically the active part) to supply their contents. |
IDropActionDelegate | Interface for actions supplied by extensions to the org.eclipse.ui.dropActions extension point. |
IPage | This interface has been replaced by IPageBookViewPage but is preserved for backward compatibility. |
IPageBookViewPage | Interface for a page in a pagebook view. |
IPageSite | The primary interface between a page and the outside world. |
ISetSelectionTarget | Interface for views which support reveal and select. |
IShowInSource | Parts which need to provide a particular context to a Show In... |
IShowInTarget | This interface must be provided by Show In targets (parts listed in the Show In prompter). |
IShowInTargetList | Show In sources which need to provide additional entries to the Show In list of targets can provide this interface. |
Class Summary | |
CellEditorActionHandler | Handles the redirection of the global actions Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All, Find, Undo and Redo to either the current inline cell editor or the part's supplied action handler. |
CoolItemGroupMarker | A group marker used by EditorActionBars to delineate CoolItem groups. |
DrillDownAdapter | Implements a simple web style navigation metaphor for a TreeViewer. |
DrillDownComposite | Class DrillDownComposite implements a simple web style navigation metaphor. |
EditorActionBarContributor | Standard implementation of IEditorActionBarContributor. |
EditorInputTransfer | The EditorInputTransfer class is used to transfer an IEditorInput and corresponding editorId from one part to another in a drag and drop operation. |
EditorInputTransfer.EditorInputData | |
EditorPart | Abstract base implementation of all workbench editors. |
FileEditorInput | Adapter for making a file resource a suitable input for an editor. |
FileEditorInputFactory | Factory for saving and restoring a FileEditorInput. |
FileInPlaceEditorInput | Adapter for making a file resource a suitable input for an in-place editor. |
IntroPart | Abstract base implementation of an intro part. |
MarkerTransfer | A MarkerTransfer is used to transfer an array of IMarkers from one part to another in a drag and drop operation. |
MessagePage | A message page display a message in a pagebook view. |
MultiEditor | A MultiEditor is a composite of editors. |
MultiEditor.Gradient | The colors used to draw the title bar of the inner editors |
MultiEditorInput | Implements a input for a MultiEditor. |
MultiPageEditor | Deprecated. Use the class MultiPageEditorPart instead |
MultiPageEditorActionBarContributor | Abstract base class for managing the installation/deinstallation of global actions for multi-page editors. |
MultiPageEditorPart | A multi-page editor is an editor with multiple pages, each of which may contain an editor or an arbitrary SWT control. |
MultiPageEditorSite | Site for a nested editor within a multi-page editor. |
MultiPageSelectionProvider | Manages the current selection in a multi-page editor by tracking the active nested editor within the multi-page editor. |
Page | Abstract base superclass for pages in a pagebook view. |
PageBook | A pagebook is a composite control where only a single control is visible at a time. |
PageBookView | Abstract superclass of all multi-page workbench views. |
PageBookView.PageRec | A data structure used to store the information about a single page within a pagebook view. |
PageSite | This implementation of IPageSite provides a site for a page within a PageBookView. |
PluginDropAdapter | Adapter for adding handling of the PluginTransfer drag and drop transfer type to a drop action. |
PluginTransfer | This class can be used to transfer an instance of PluginTransferData between two parts in a workbench in a drop and drop operation. |
PluginTransferData | Record for transferring data during a drag and drop operation between different plug-ins. |
ResourceTransfer | The ResourceTransfer class is used to transfer an array of IResourcess from one part to another in a drag and drop operation or a cut, copy, paste action. |
ShowInContext | Carries the context for the Show In action. |
ViewPart | Abstract base implementation of all workbench views. |
WorkbenchPart | Abstract base implementation of all workbench parts. |
Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate with the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Eclipse Platform Release 3.0 | ||||||||||
Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.
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