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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.0


Package org.eclipse.search.ui

Provides classes and interfaces to run search queries and manage their results.


Interface Summary
IActionGroupFactory Deprecated. Subclass AbstractTextSearchViewPage instead.
IContextMenuConstants Constants for menu groups used in context menus for Search views and editors.
IContextMenuContributor Deprecated. Subclass AbstractTextSearchViewPage instead.
IGroupByKeyComputer Deprecated. Subclass AbstractTextSearchResult instead.
IQueryListener A listener for changes to the set of search queries.
IReplacePage An extension interface to ISearchPage.
ISearchPage Defines a page inside the search dialog.
ISearchPageContainer Offers client access to the search dialog.
ISearchPageScoreComputer Computes a score that is used by the search dialog to find the best fitting page for a selection when opened.
ISearchQuery Represents a particular search query (in a Java example, a query might be "find all occurrences of 'foo' in workspace").
ISearchResult Implementors of this interface represent the result of a search.
ISearchResultListener Listener interface for changes to an ISearchResult.
ISearchResultPage A ISearchResultPage is used to render the search results for a particular class of ISearchResult (as specified in the searchResultClass attribute of the extension point) in the search view.
ISearchResultView Deprecated. Use ISearchResultViewPart instead.
ISearchResultViewEntry Deprecated. Use AbstractTextSearchResult and Match instead.
ISearchResultViewPart Interface for the search result view.

Class Summary
NewSearchUI A facade for access to the new search UI facilities.
SearchResultEvent The common superclass of all events sent from ISearchResults.
SearchUI Deprecated. Use NewSearchUI instead.


Package org.eclipse.search.ui Description

Provides classes and interfaces to run search queries and manage their results. Clients can contribute search result pages into the search result view by implementing an extension point.


Package Specification

Each search result page must implement ISearchResultPage. The class NewSearchUI can activate the search results view and provide access to the active search results view (ISearchResultView).

Clients create instances of ISearchResult. They must also provide a matching search result page. Clients can register to receive SearchResultEvents when a search result changes.



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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.0

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