Rational: Database


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  1. Data perspective
  2. Database Explorer view
  3. Supported database types
  4. Supported JDBC drivers
  5. Data Definition view
  6. DB Output view
  7. Connect to a database by using a wizard
  8. Deploy data objects to a database
  9. Federated systems
  10. Develop database applications
  11. Relational views
  12. Cloudscape database
  13. License requirements for Cloudscape database connections
  14. DB2 Universal Database for iSeries database connections
  15. DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database connections
  16. DB2 Universal Database for z/OS and OS/390 database connections
  17. License requirements for all DB2 Universal Database database
  18. Informix database
  19. Oracle database connections
  20. Microsoft SQL Server database connections
  21. Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise database connections
  22. Restrictions for database connections
  23. Limitations for copying database definitions to a project
  24. Database Connection page
  25. Access and updating data
  26. Run DDL scripts on a local database
  27. Run DDL scripts on a remote database
  28. View and changing a data object filter
  29. Use filters to exclude data objects from a view in the Data
  30. Create a data object filter
  31. Create a table nickname
  32. Delete a database connection
  33. Disconnect from a database
  34. Manage database connections
  35. Reconnect to a database
  36. Refresh a the catalog metadata for a database connection
  37. View the properties of a database connection
  38. Define database objects
  39. Delete database objects
  40. Drop tables
  41. Edit database objects
  42. Copy or moving data objects
  43. Rename data objects
  44. Define a column
  45. Define a database
  46. Define a foreign key
  47. Define a primary key
  48. Define a schema
  49. Create an SQL DDL script
  50. Define a table
  51. Edit an SQL DDL file
  52. Deploy data definitions to a database server outside of the workbench
  53. Generating an SQL DDL file for an existing data object
  54. Copy data definitions into a project
  55. Modify database objects
  56. Edit the SQL query for a relational view
  57. Create a relational view
  58. Name columns for a view
  59. Test the SQL statement for a relational view
  60. Remove a data object filter
  61. Sample the contents of a table
  62. Troubleshoot database connection problems

