Rational: Database
- Data perspective
- Database Explorer view
- Supported database types
- Supported JDBC drivers
- Data Definition view
- DB Output view
- Connect to a database by using a wizard
- Deploy data objects to a database
- Federated systems
- Develop database applications
- Relational views
- Cloudscape database
- License requirements for Cloudscape database connections
- DB2 Universal Database for iSeries database connections
- DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database connections
- DB2 Universal Database for z/OS and OS/390 database connections
- License requirements for all DB2 Universal Database database
- Informix database
- Oracle database connections
- Microsoft SQL Server database connections
- Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise database connections
- Restrictions for database connections
- Limitations for copying database definitions to a project
- Database Connection page
- Access and updating data
- Run DDL scripts on a local database
- Run DDL scripts on a remote database
- View and changing a data object filter
- Use filters to exclude data objects from a view in the Data
- Create a data object filter
- Create a table nickname
- Delete a database connection
- Disconnect from a database
- Manage database connections
- Reconnect to a database
- Refresh a the catalog metadata for a database connection
- View the properties of a database connection
- Define database objects
- Delete database objects
- Drop tables
- Edit database objects
- Copy or moving data objects
- Rename data objects
- Define a column
- Define a database
- Define a foreign key
- Define a primary key
- Define a schema
- Create an SQL DDL script
- Define a table
- Edit an SQL DDL file
- Deploy data definitions to a database server outside of the workbench
- Generating an SQL DDL file for an existing data object
- Copy data definitions into a project
- Modify database objects
- Edit the SQL query for a relational view
- Create a relational view
- Name columns for a view
- Test the SQL statement for a relational view
- Remove a data object filter
- Sample the contents of a table
- Troubleshoot database connection problems