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Display overlay analytics reports

We can use Active Site Analytics to show graphical statistics reports about individual portal resources, such as pages or portlets. These reports are called Active Site Analytics overlay reports.

The statistics graph is shown on the portal page in the format of an overlay over the portal resource to which they apply, such as the portlet. Examples of what statistical graphs can show:

The statistics are generated as follows:

  1. The data collected by the portal site analytics are collected and forwarded to the business partners for portal analytics.

  2. Your business partner analyses and evaluates the portal data and sends back a report to the portal.

  3. The portal then displays the report as the overlay graph.
We can define which users can view the reports by setting the appropriate access rights.

The user must at least be in the USER role on the virtual resource OVERLAYREPORTS and at least in the USER role of the resource he wants to view reports for.

We can enable overlay statistics only if you already use Active Site Analytics on the portal site.

To set up Active Site Analytics overlay reports, perform the procedures given here.

  1. Enable data collection.

    For example, we can do this by adding an Active Site Analytics aggregator to a portal page:

    1. Access the IBM Coremetrics Web Analytics web site or contact your Coremetrics representative.

    2. Retrieve the appropriate aggregator file from Coremetrics.

    3. Upload the aggregator file to the portal theme folder, for example, using WebDAV.

    4. Perform the procedure described under Add an Active Site Analytics aggregator to a portal page.
    As a result of these steps, analytics data is sent from browsers of the portal users to the Coremetrics data collection servers. We can log on to Coremetrics and analyze the portal usage.

  2. Enable inline display of Coremetrics reports by enabling overlay reports:

    1. Establish trust with Coremetrics servers. For details see Configure overlay reports.

    2. Optional: Set up security for overlay reports. For details see Configure security for overlay analytics reports.

    3. Configure the Coremetrics user ID. For details see Configure a Credential Vault for overlay reports.

    4. Display overlay reports by choosing Show Portlet Reports or Show Page Reports. For details see View overlay analytics statistics.

    5. Optional: Customize the overlay report by providing additional configuration parameters. For details see Customize overlay reports.

  3. To further customize the tagging of the site, assign site promotions to pages and portlets as required.

For more detailed information about enabling inline display of overlay reports see the following topics.

  1. Configure overlay reports
    To activate overlay reports for the site, configure some security-related settings.
  2. Configure security for overlay analytics reports
    We can administer which users can view overlay reports. To do this, we use the virtual resource OVERLAY_REPORTS.
  3. Configure a Credential Vault for overlay reports
    To access the IBM Coremetrics Web Analytics system, you have to store the user information in a Credential Vault slot. If you do not do this, the portal overlay reports cannot show data from the Coremetrics system.
  4. View overlay analytics statistics
    Users with the appropriate access rights can use Active Site Analytics to view graphical statistics about individual portal resources, such as pages or portlets.
  5. Customize overlay reports
    We can customize our own overlay reports by setting specific parameters as required. Learn about the parameters and the levels at which we can specify them.

Parent: Analyze user behavior by Active Site Analytics
Analytics tags and site promotions
Collect analytics data
Add an Active Site Analytics aggregator to a portal page