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Customize overlay reports

We can customize our own overlay reports by setting specific parameters as required. Learn about the parameters and the levels at which we can specify them.

The scheme described here applies to all parameters available for overlay reports.

Report parameters for customizing overlay reports

To customize the display of overlay reports, we can provide the additional query parameters listed in the following. We can provide all these parameters at six different levels. The levels are listed and described in a table later in this topic. Depending on the level, you have to prefix the parameters with asa.report . Also depending on the level, we specify the parameters and their values in different locations and ways, for example as part of code with an equal sign, or by typing them into fields in a user interface.

Provide parameters at multiple levels

We can set the parameters for the customized display of overlay reports at six different levels as shown by the following table. Depending on the level, you have to prefix the parameters with asa.report , for example, asa.report.granularity .

specifying parameters . Setting parameters for the customized
Level hierarchy Specify the parameter at this level: Prefix the parameter with the following string: Configure the parameter at this layer: Set this parameter using the following method:
1 HTTP request parameter HTTP request Custom code in the theme or skin
2 Portlet parameter - metadata asa.report. portlet window xmlaccess.sh
3 Portlet preference asa.report. portlet Portlet Edit mode, xmlaccess.sh
4 Page parameter - metadata asa.report. page Page Properties dialog, xmlaccess.sh
5 Portal Configuration Service parameter asa.report. WP Config Service WAS admin console
6 Default value WebSphere Portal product code N/A - product code. We cannot change this default value, but we can override it in the layers listed previously.
If you provide parameters at multiple levels, the settings are applied in the hierarchical order of levels as given in the first table column Level hierarchy. Parameters specified at levels shown in earlier rows in table 1 override parameters shown in last table rows.

Customization examples

The following examples for customizing overlay reports show how the override precedence works between different levels in the hierarchy of levels. The examples use the granularity parameter. The precedence hierarchy works the same way for all other report parameters.

Parent: Display overlay analytics reports
Previous: View overlay analytics statistics