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Configuring overlay reports

To activate overlay reports for the site, configure some security-related settings.

To allow connections with the report provider, configure the Ajax Proxy. Proceed as follows:

  1. Add the IBM Coremetrics Web Analytics site to the default dynamic policy. To do this, proceed with the following steps:

    1. Open the WAS admin console.

    2. Click Resources > Resource Environment > Resource Environment Providers > WP ConfigService > Custom Properties > New....

    3. Use the property name wp.proxy.config.urlreplacement.default_policy.1 and the value https://welcome.coremetrics.com/* .

      If this name is already in use, increment the counter of the key wp.proxy.config.urlreplacement.default_policy .

    4. Click Apply.

    5. Click Save.

  2. Import the Coremetrics certificate into the server truststore. We can complete this step either using wsadmin retrieveSignerFromPort of the AdminTask object, or manually as described here:

    1. Open the WAS admin console.
    2. In a stand-alone enviroment:

        Security | SSL certificate and key management | SSL Configurations | NodeDefaultSSLSettings | Key stores and certificates | NodeDefaultTrustStore | Signer certificates | Retrieve from port

      In a portal cluster environment:

        Security | SSL certificate and key management | SSL Configurations | CellDefaultSSLSettings | Key stores and certificates | CellDefaultTrustStore | Signer certificates | Retrieve from port

      Alternatively, we can select each node individually and apply the following settings to each node in the cell.

    3. Fill the fields as follows:

      • For the host: welcome.coremetrics.com

      • For the port: 443

      • For the alias: coremetrics or another identifying string of the choice.

    4. Click Retrieve signer information.

    5. Click Apply.

    6. Click Save.

  3. Store the Coremetrics user information in a credential vault slot as described under Configuring credential vaults for overlay reports.

  4. Restart the portal server for the changes to take effect.

  5. If required, configure the limit of outbound ajax proxy connections. The data for the overlay reports is retrieved through the AJAX proxy. The AJAX proxy has a configuration parameter for setting the maximum number of concurrent outbound connections. This limit also affects the number of overlay reporto that can be retrieved from the Coremetrics API server concurrently. To have more overlay reports retrieved, configure the limit as described under AJAX proxy configuration.

Additional to the limit set by the AJAX proxy, Coremetrics also enforces a limit on the number of concurrent connections from the same host. Whethat limit is reached, the portal displays message EJQGB0000E instead of the overlay report. In this case the user can refresh the portal page until the error message disappears; the successful analytics results are cached in the browser.

Parent: Display overlay analytics reports
Next: Configure security for overlay analytics reports
Related reference:
AJAX proxy configuration