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Configuring a Credential Vault for overlay reports

To access the IBM Coremetrics Web Analytics system, you have to store the user information in a Credential Vault slot. If you do not do this, the portal overlay reports cannot show data from the Coremetrics system.

We can set up the Credential Vault by one of the following three methods:

Also refer to Portlet authentication.

Make sure you store the following Coremetrics user information:

  1. The Credential Vault slot used for storing the user information must have the slot name com.ibm.portal.asa.coremetrics.slot .

  2. In the credential slot, you need to enter the Coremetrics user name and client ID, separated by a hash sign ( # ), either as a shared user ID in the portal Administration user interface, or as an external-id in xmlaccess.sh script.

For example: If you have a Coremetrics user name Bob and a Coremetrics client ID 123456789, enter these values as "Bob#123456789" in the credential slot. Here is a sample XML configuraion interface script for creating required Credential Vault entries:

   type="update" create-oids="true">       
   <!-- Sample for updating the Credential Vault. 
        This script creates a new segment containing one slot in the portal Credential Vault.
        The credentials (user ID and password pairso stored in the vault cannot be 
        accessed using xmlaccess.sh. We can only set the credentials 
        using the portal administration portlets for the Credential Vault. -->  
   <portal action="locate">          
      <credential-segment action="update" adapter-type="default" 
                          name="com.ibm.portal.asa.coremetrics.segment" user-mapped="false">
         <description>Segment containing credentials for Coremetrics</description>         
         <credential-slot action="update" name="com.ibm.portal.asa.coremetrics.slot" 
                          active="false" system="true" resource="none" 
            <localedata locale="en">                   
               <description>Credentials for accessing the CoreMetrics server</description>
            <password-secret action="create" user="user_id" 

In the sample XML script, replace the following variables with the actual Coremetrics user data values:

Parent: Display overlay analytics reports
Previous: Configure security for overlay analytics reports
Next: View overlay analytics statistics
Portlet authentication
Work with xmlaccess.sh