Prepare to uninstall a cluster on AIX
Run to unfederate a node prior to uninstalling. WebSphere Portal cannot uninstall a federated node.
Make a backup of the WebSphere Portal configuration using The following information is not backed up and is deleted if you delete the database:
- User attributes stored in the database, and not in the user registry
- Credential data stored in the default vault implementation
Removing a portal node from the cell...
- Does not affect the cluster definition. The cluster definition remains intact even after removing all portal nodes from the cell.
- Does not remove the product's enterprise applications from the dmgr. The enterprise applications remain and continue to be associated with the cluster definition.
- Log on to the dmgr console and go to...
Servers | WebSphere appserver clusters | cluster_name | Cluster members | server | Stop
- If you have a dynamic cluster, go to...
System Administration | Node groups | node group name | Nodes | Node group members | node | Remove
...and then Save and Synchronize
- Go to...
System Administration | Nodes | node | Remove Node
Choose the Remove Node option to remove the node from cell and not the Delete option on the Cluster members view. Using the Delete option completely deletes the node, which removes the existence of the server from the dmgr and does not leave a means for restoring the portal node to a stand-alone system. Using the Delete option can prevent the portal server from working after it is deleted from the cluster. If Remove Node does not successfully remove the node, click Force Delete to remove the node.
Removing node ADMU2001I: Begin removal of node: MBNode04 ADMU0505I: Servers found in configuration: ADMU0506I: Server name: WebSphere_Portal ADMU0506I: Server name: nodeagent ADMU2010I: Stopping all server processes for node MBNode04 ADMU0510I: Server WebSphere_Portal is now STOPPED ADMU0510I: Server nodeagent is now STOPPED ADMU2021I: Removing all servers on this node from all clusters in the cell. ADMU2014I: Restoring original configuration. ADMU2017I: The local original configuration has been restored. ADMU0306I: Note: ADMU2031I: Applications uploaded to the MBCell cell configuration during addNode using the -includeapps option are not uninstalled by removeNode. ADMU0307I: You might want to: ADMU2032I: Use wsadmin or the Administrative Console to uninstall any such applications from the Deployment Manager. ADMU0306I: Note: ADMU2033I: Buses uploaded to the MBCell cell configuration during addNode using the -includebuses option are not uninstalled by removeNode. ADMU0307I: You might want to: ADMU2034I: Use wsadmin or the Administrative Console to uninstall any such buses from the Deployment Manager. ADMU2024I: Removal of node MBNode04 is complete. View the available nodes.
- Click Save to save the changes made to the cell's configuration.
- Repeat the previous steps for each node in the cluster and cell that needs to be uninstalled.
- To convert the stand-alone server to a working portal:
- Edit
- Change the value of the CellName property so that it matches the cell name of the node itself.
- When we remove the node from the cell, the cell name for the node reverts to the cell name that was used before you federated the node.
- The cell name can be identified by...
- Change the value of the ServerName property to the original portal server name.
- Ensure that the value of the PrimaryNode property is set to true.
- Save the changes.
- Add passwords to...
...or specify passwords on the command line.
- Decide whether to keep the database as is to preserve portal information or complete the following steps to remove the information from the database:
Kept database information cannot be used with subsequent installations. We can still access or delete the information later using the database software.
cd WP_PROFILE/bin ./ WebSphere_Portal -username wpadmin -password foo cd $WAS_HOME ./ server1 -profileName cw_profile -username wpadmin -password foo cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine ./ remove-schema \ -DWasPassword=foo \ -Drelease.DbPassword=foo \ -Dcustomization.DbPassword=foo \ -Dcommunity.DbPassword=foo \ -Djcr.DbPassword=foo \ -Dfeedback.DbPassword=foo \ -Dlikeminds.DbPassword=fooSome tables may remain in the IBM Java Content Repository database. Removing the database will remove these tables.
Parent: Uninstall from a cluster on AIX
Next: Uninstall a cluster on AIX