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WebSphere Virtual Enterprise Dynamic Clusters

We can create a WebSphere Virtual Enterprise dynamic cluster to run WebSphere Portal.

After installing all nodes using normal portal install instructions, use the WebSphere Virtual Enterprise instructions to set up node groups and dynamic cluster for WebSphere Portal.

The Virtual Enterprise On Demand Router (ODR) component provides workload balancing, prioritization, health monitoring, dynamic operations, and multi-cluster routing. You cna use HTTP server in a DMZ to serve static content, and to provide an entry point to the private network where the ODR resides.

When sending direct requests to the ODR, bypassing the HTTP server, set the value of the ODR custom property http.compliance.via to true.

The ODR can selectively route traffic to clusters based on the incoming URL. Configure IP alias values for the ODR, then define routing rules.

Configure a Multicluster Routing Policy (MCRP) for the ODR to identify the destination clusters and the type of load balancing. If we are configuring the ODR to route traffic to remote portal static clusters using Generic Server Cluster definitions, the cell_name value used by the MCRP policy needs to be the local cellname where the ODR resides and not the remote cell where the portal cluster resides. To route traffic to remote portal clusters, both static and dynamic, define a generic server cluster for each target portal cluster to use the ODR. If we are routing to remote static clusters that use vertical cluster members, perform the optional step at the end to define a server custom property for each port in the generic server cluster.

When applying maintenance Virtual Enterprise and WAS ND, keep the dmgr stopped until both upgrades are complete. If the dmgr is active before both upgrades are complete, it may detect an incompatible version of Virtual Enterprise and remove some required resources from the dynamic cluster.

Parent: Cluster considerations