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Web Configuration Wizard

Web Configuration Wizard portlet, new with WebSphere Portal v8...

ConfigWizard is deployed into a separate profile, cw_profile, and runs as a separate application in WAS.

Install or reinstall Web Wizard

To install...

To uninstall...

To install on dmgr,..

  1. From the primary node...

      scp ConfigEngine_read_only/installableApps/wizard.war $DMGR_HOST:/path/to/systemApps/isclite.ear/wizard.war

  2. From the primary node...

      scp $WAS_HOME/profiles/cw_profile/ConfigEngine/wfapirepository.xml $DMGR_HOST:/path/to/profiles/cw_profile/ConfigEngine

  3. On dmgr host...

      cd DMGR_PROFILE/bin

  4. From the wsadmin prompt...
    $AdminApp update isclite modulefile                           
      -operation add                                       
      -contents $AppServer_root/systemApps/isclite.ear/wizard.war 
      -contenturi wizard.war                                
      -contextroot /ibm/wizard                              
      -MapWebModToVH {{.* .* admin_host}}                 
    $AdminConfig save                                          

  5. To uninstall the Web Wizard on the dmgr:

    $AdminApp update isclite modulefile 
        -operation delete 
        -contenturi wizard.war
    $AdminConfig save                                        

Start Web Wizard

To start...

To access, log on to the WAS console...

...and then click...

Run a Web Wizard task

  1. Enter a configuration task, for example, database-transfer.

  2. Set property values using the button:

      Change Property Values

  3. We can directly update the property values in this window or use the Add property button to add new ones.

    The Web Wizard provides some properties, listed below these five property files:


    We can also copy a helper file into the field under the five property files' selection fields.

    For example, here are some helper file entries for WebSphere Portal configuration with IBM Tivoli Directory Server.

    With either method, once the task finishes successfully, the property value will be saved in the related property files.

  4. Add Command Line Options.

    The command line option value is not saved into property files. A typical example...


  5. To execute ConfigEngine immediately click button:

      Run Task Now

    To generate scripts for the current ConfigEngine task, click the button:

      Create Scripts

    The generated scripts can be uploaded to Portal Server and executed any time after you get the generated output.

Run Task Now

After executing Run Task Now, Web Wizard opens a page with log information.

After ConfigEngine finishes, we can open Log Viewer to review a list of all the executed ConfigEngine tasks and corresponding ConfigTrace.log, plus the SystemOut.log.

On the task execution result page, we can download the created scripts included in the .zip file...

...which is actually the same as you get using the Create Scripts button. This generates and downloads the instructions, properties, and scripts for ConfigEngine.

Create Scripts button

Generates downloadable file singleConfigEngineTask.zip, which contains three parts...

Here is an example script file for the database-transfer task

"Run tasks" can be executed only with the ConfigEngine in the environment in which we started Web Wizard and started running ConfigEngine. Executing a single ConfigEngine task in another ConfigEngine environment---in other words, in a remote scenario--- is NOT supported.

Preference settings

The initial preference-settings values are automatically retrieved from the current ConfigEngine environment, and "Run tasks" can be executed only in the ConfigEngine environment in which we started using Web Wizard to run run ConfigEngine. So there is no need for users to modify/update the initial preference settings.

Web Wizard supports customizing workflows for remote servers; thus in remote scenarios, users should edit the preference settings to fit the remote target server environment.

Run created scripts

  1. Extract downloaded singleConfigEngineTask.zip

  2. Navigate to the "scripts" directory, and execute EJPTASK.sh

Log Viewer

Can be accessed from either the home page of Web Wizard or via "View Logs" after a ConfigEngine task has finished executing from Web Wizard.

Displays data for Config Trace and System Out.

More information

For more information, see...


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