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Work with process applications

Business process applications deployed on your WebSphere Process Server can be used immediately in your integrated portal environment. You can use the Manage Processes portlet on the My Processes page to manage process instances of those business processes, the Task List portlet on the My Tasks page to browse and claim your tasks, and the Task Processing portlet on the default task page to complete individual tasks. Before you can work with portal-based business process applications, ensure that all procedures for configuring the business process integration have been successfully completed and that the necessary business process applications have been deployed.

To work with the business process applications that have been deployed in the integrated portal and process server environment, consider your role as a user and follow these steps:

  1. Log in to WebSphere Portal.

  2. From the product banner, click Applications > Process Integration to display the My Processes and My Tasks pages.

  3. Click My Processes to display the Manage Processes portlet, where you can manage process templates, process instances, and task templates. If you are an application developer, use the Manage Processes portlet for piloting proof of concept deployments, rapid prototyping, and testing and debugging.

  4. Click My Tasks to display the Task List portlet.

  5. In the Task List portlet, click a claimed task to open the corresponding task page that allows you to work with the Task Processing portlet. If you are a business application user, use the Task List to claim and work with the tasks assigned to you. If you are an administrator, you can configure the Task List for users working with portal-based business process tasks. If you are an application developer, use the Task Processing portlet as a starting point when creating dedicated task pages for the human tasks contained in your business process application.

Parent topic:

Integrate with WebSphere Process Server

Related concepts

Process integration concepts

Related tasks

Enable process integration
Customize process integration
Develop custom user interfaces for process integration

Related information

WebSphere Process Server library
IBM Business Process Management