Manage processes
From the Manage Processes portlet on the My Processes page, you can work with the process instances, process templates, and task templates of business processes on WebSphere Process Server.
You can start new instances of the process templates deployed on the process server and analyze existing process instances. You can also terminate and delete processes that are running.
Using the Task Processing portlet and the Manage Processes portlet in a cross-cell setup requires manual copying of process artifacts, for example, required class libraries, into the portal installation.
To work with process instances, process templates, and task templates...
- Click Processes to work with process instances:
- Filter the list of processes instance by selecting a view:
- Started By Me
- Administered By Me
- Administered By Me – State Failed
- Administered By Me – State Terminated
- Administered By Me – State Finished
- Administered By Me – State Running
- Sort the list of process instances by clicking on a column label:
- Process Instance Name
- The name of the process instance that was specified when the process instance was created.
- Process Template Name
- The name of the process template from which the process instance was created.
- Started
- The date and time that the process instance was started in the runtime environment.
- State
- The operational state of the process instance: Running, Terminated, Failed, or Finished.
- Refer to the WebSphere Process Server Information Center topics that explain how to manage the life cycle of a business process.
- Select one or more process instances to perform the following actions:
- Click Terminate to terminate running process instances.
- Click Delete to delete terminated, finished, or failed process instances.
- Click Refresh to update the list of process instances after acting on one or more instances.
- Click the name of a process instance to display detailed information about the process instance:
- View the Process Description: Process Instance Name, Description, and State.
- View the Details: Process Template Name, Starter, Administrators, and when the process instance was Created and Started.
- Click Process Input Message to view the input data for the process instance.
- Click Tasks to view the tasks associated with the process instance. Each task is listed by Task Name, State, Kind, Owner, and Originator.
- Click the name of a task to view the Task Description and Details: State, Priority, if the task has been Escalated, Owner, Originator, when the task was Last Modified, and when the task Expires.
- Click Task Input Message to view the input data for the task.
- Click Task Output Message to view the output data for the task.
- Click Staff to view the process server information about users and user assignments for the task: for example, Administrators, Owner, Originator, Potential Owners, Editors, and Readers.
- Click Process Templates to view the process templates installed on the portal server and to create new process instances from process templates:
- Sort the list of process templates by clicking on a column label:
- Process Template Name
- The name of the process template.
- Valid From
- The date and time that the process template became, or will become, valid.
- State
- The operational state of the process template.
- Description
- The description of the process template.
- Select a process template and click New Instance to create and start an instance of a process from a template.
- Complete the form that specifies the process name and its input data:
- Type a name for the process.
- Type values into the fields of the data attributes shown in the Process Input Message form.
- For fields requiring complex information, click Add to display additional fields.
- Then take the appropriate action: Submit or Cancel.
- When you have finished specifying all information for the new process instance, click Submit to instantiate the process.
- To verify that the process instance is running, click Processes to view the list of process instances. If you do not see the new process instance, click Refresh.
- Click Refresh to update the list of process templates after acting on one or more templates.
- Click Task Templates to view and manage the templates from which human tasks are created:
- Sort the list of task templates by clicking on a column label:
- Task Template Name
- The name of the task template.
- Kind
- The type of human task that the template defines.
- State
- The operational state of the task template.
- Description
- The description of the task template.
- Select a task template and click New Instance to create an instance of the task.
- Complete the form that specifies the task and its input data:
- View the name of the task template. You cannot edit this field.
- Type values into the fields of the data attributes shown in the Task Input Message form.
- For fields requiring complex information, click Add to display additional fields.
- Then take the appropriate action: Submit or Cancel.
- When you have finished specifying all information for the new task instance, click Submit to create the task.
- Click Refresh to update the list of task templates.
Parent topic:
Work with process applications
Related tasks
Use generic process integration portlets in a cross-cell setup