Use task lists
Use the Task List to view and manage the tasks assigned to you, the tasks that you are allowed to claim, and the tasks already claimed. View the details of a task and open a task to complete it, edit it, or take action for advancing the task through the workflow. If you have permission to open the Task List in configuration mode, you can specify the settings that will apply to all instances of the Task List in the portal for all users.
To work with a Task List...
- Within the Task List, filter the list of tasks by selecting one of the views under Show:
- My Tasks
- Tasks Not Claimed
- Claimed Tasks
The table lists each task by Task Name, Task Description, Assign Date, Assigned By, and Status, and includes a link to view Task Details.
- To sort the Task List, click a particular column label.
- To claim one or more tasks, select one or more tasks and click Claim.
- To relinquish your claim on a task, select one or more tasks and click Release.
- To view the details of a task, click the Task Information icon in the Details column. The details of the task display: Task type, Status, Due Dates, Priority, Date Modified, Created By, Assigned To, Date Assigned, Expiration, and Task Description.
- To work on a task that you have claimed, click the task name link in the Task column. This opens the corresponding task page that renders the user interface for the given human task. On this default task page, the generic Task Processing portlet displays the forms for specifying task input data and task output data.
- If you have permission to open the Task List in configuration mode, you can specify the settings that will apply to all instances of the Task List in the portal for all users. Using Task List configuration mode, you can create dedicated copies of the Task List portlet for specific purposes. Each copy can have its own configuration and access control settings. To customize a Task List, open the Task List portlet in Configuration mode and follow these steps:
- Specify a unique name for the parent page that will contain the dynamic task pages opened from this task list portlet. Users are taken to these task pages when they open their tasks.
Be sure that you have enabled the specified page for use as a dynamic page, as explained in Customize business process integration, Working with tasks. If you do not do this, the portlet will display an error message when you try to save the new setting.
- Specify the maximum number of tasks that will loaded from the process server. Query results exceeding this number will automatically be truncated. This property prevents long response times when a large number of tasks are made available for a given user.
The threshold limit is applied to tasks being served in all locales requested by the user. If tasks are defined for multiple locales, the truncated result may contain fewer tasks than the number specified by the threshold value.
- Specify the number of tasks that will be displayed on each page of the task list. The number that you enter limits the number of tasks that will be displayed on each page.
- Select a filter set for the task list. The filter set that you choose will control the items that are available to users in the Show selection list when they filter the display of tasks in the list. You can create new filter sets for the task list by customizing the default filter set.
- Select task attributes that you want to display as column headers in the Task List table.
- Click OK to return to the main view of the Task List.
Parent topic:
Work with process applications
Related tasks
Work with task pages
Creating custom filters for tasks