About deploying a project to a remote server



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Deploying portlets, web applications and widgets to remote servers involves sharing directories and mapping drives, or mounting file systems.

If the target server...

  • WAS Community Edition
  • IBM WebSphere Portal server
  • IBM Lotus Mashups
...is installed on a machine accessible across the network, you need to have one of the following...

  • mapped drives
  • mounted file systems
  • Universal Naming Convention (UNC)

You also need administrative access to the application and portal servers so that you can manually install the application in the WebSphere Administration Console. You do not need to manually install the portlet WAR if you have autodeploy enabled

When the servers are remote, applications created with WPF must be installed and configured on the servers manually before they can run standalone from within the WPF.

Map the following directories...

  • If the remote WAS server does not uses profiles, share the parent directory of the installableApps and installedApps directories.

  • The PortalServer directory

  • If your version of WebSphere Portal uses profiles, share the profile directories.

If the dev machine cannot communicate with the remote Portal server, and there are no network mappings, options include...

  1. Disable the portlet adapter builder, test the app locally as a standard web app. When satisfied with the tests, manually generate the WAR file and deploy it in the remote test/dev Portal.

  2. Generate the WAR file and test it in the dev/test remote Portal;

  3. Install a local Portal, configure WAS locally. Point you PF app to your local portal/was. When satisfied with your tests, manually generate the WAR file and test it in the remote Portal.


Issues for Linux platforms

Several unique issues face users when remotely deploying to Linux. You need to:

  • Share the WebSphere directories with write access for non-root users.

  • Mount the remote WebSphere directory or directories with write access for non-root users.

  • Create a deploy configuration that points to the remote system. In most cases this is the mount directory.

  • If you are deploying the development WAR to the remote system, manually install the standalone application since autodeploy is not available.

The contents of the /opt/IBM/PortalServer directory also needs to be accessible, so share this directory too. Consequently, on the development machine, mount the following directories:

  • AppServer
  • PortalServer

See also:

Parent topic: Deployment configurations for widgets