Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Deploying a Development WAR on a Remote Server

Manual deployment of a development WAR is required when the IBM® Lotus® Mashups server is on a different machine than IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer.

  1. Right-click on the project to display the context menu. Select Application Server WAR > Build WAR for production deployment

  2. From the Build Factory Deployment WAR dialog, enter the path where you want the WAR file to be created. The default path is the current Eclipse workspace. Click Finish to start the building of the WAR.

  3. When the WAR file is created, copy the file to the Lotus Mashups server.

  4. Launch the InfoSphere MashupHub. (The default URL is https://<servername>:9443/mashuphub, but this may differ for your particular configuration.)

  5. Login to InfoSphere MashupHub using a valid username and password.

  6. From the InfoSphere MashupHub Home page, select Upload Widget.

  7. From the Upload Widget panel, select iWidgets, then click Next.

  8. From the Upload or Register a Widget panel, select Upload a Widget Package, then enter the URL for the WAR file created. Click Next.

  9. From the Specify panel, enter a title, description, and version for the iWidget package that will be created, as well as the permissions for other users. Click Finish. Note that the Title is used to identify the WAR package for the Hub.

  10. When the iWidget is successfully uploaded, view the iWidget details, then click Add to Lotus Mashups to add the widgets to the Mashups Toolbox.

  11. From the Add to Lotus Mashups panel, enter the userid and password of the user who will receive the widgets on their Toolbox. Click Next.

  12. The next panel displays all the widgets to be added to the Toolbox. Choose a category within the Toolbox where the widgets are to be located. Click Finish to place the widgets in the Mashups Toolbox. For more information on how to share the widgets with other users, see the MashupHub documentation.

Parent topic: About deploying a project to a remote server

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