Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Generating a WAR file using the command line
You can use Ant scripting to generate a WAR file from the command line.
Using the projectDeploy.xml script to start your WAR generation
The projectDeploy.xml script contains all of the necessary Ant tasks for generating war files using Ant on a command line. This script is located is the WebContent directory of every WebSphere Portlet Factory project. The easiest way to create a war file to invoke this script for an existing project. Do this by navigating to the project’s WebContent root, and using Ant with this syntax, where this task will build a production war from an existing project:Ant –f projectDeploy.xml buildDeploymentWarIn this example, this task will build a portlet war from an existing project:Ant –f projectDeploy.xml buildPortletWar -D*PORTLETAPI*Where *PORTLETAPI* is one of the following:wpf.portletapi.target=build286StandardPortletWar wpf.portletapi.target=buildStandardPortletWar wpf.portletapi.target=buildWPNativePortletWarParent topic: About deploying a project to a remote server
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