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  • SOAP requests

    The optional NeoLoad SOAP module can be used to load test Web services using the SOAP protocol.

    There are two ways of using this NeoLoad module:

    For more information, click the image below to see the Neotys video about SOAP in NeoLoad:


    In This Section

  • Create a SOAP request
  • Record a SOAP request
  • Edit a SOAP request
  • Test a SOAP request
  • See Also

  • Requests
  • HTTP requests
  • WebSocket requests
  • Oracle Forms requests
  • Adobe Flex/AMF requests
  • Adobe RTMP requests
  • Data Format Extension requests
  • Google Web Toolkit requests
  • Hessian requests
  • Java serialization requests
  • Siebel requests
  • Silverlight requests
  • Media requests
  • Polling requests
  • Streaming requests
  • Push messages
  • Validation
  • Global validation
  • Variable extractors
  • Advanced parameters
  • Variable correlation
  • Shortcuts
  • Compare requests and responses

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