Upgrade to NeoLoad 5.5
Upgrading to NeoLoad 5.5 and its minor versions makes it possible to use the new features of the product and to upgrade the associated test projects. This new version reinforces the competitive advantage gained by previously released versions. A number of new features enables to perform realistic and effective tests. See the What's New section on the Neotys website.
Upgrading to a major version or to a minor version consists in:
- backing up the projects
- installing the new version of NeoLoad
- activating the license
- upgrading the projects in the new version of NeoLoad
Backing up the projects and installing the NeoLoad upgrade in its specific folder make it possible to revert back to the previous version of NeoLoadwith the original projects if there is any upgrade issues.
- To upgrade NeoLoad (major or minor version)
- Make an external backup copy of your projects.
- Download the new version of NeoLoad from the Neotys website.
- Install NeoLoad in the suggested default directory.
- Start NeoLoad and activate the license.
- Open your current projects in the new version for NeoLoad to upgrade them.
Project backup
Before migrating to NeoLoad 5.5 and its minor versions, it is recommended to secure the projects:
- The whole C:\Users\<user>\Documents\NeoLoad Projects\ directory can be copied in another backup directory.
- In the NeoLoad Controller, the File > Export Project command allows generating an archive of the current project. See Export a project.
NeoLoad installation
The latest version of NeoLoad can be downloaded from the Neotys website.
NeoLoad can be installed as described in Install the Controller.
Every major and minor version of NeoLoad is installed in a directory which is different from all other versions. It is highly recommended to use the default directory, because it makes it possible to use one version of NeoLoad or the other, until the projects are safely migrated. Although different versions of NeoLoad can be installed on the same machine — but in different directories —, only one instance of NeoLoad can be started at a time, whatever the version.
License activation
The installed version of NeoLoad requires a new activation of the license, as described in Manage licenses.
Migrate projects
Migrating projects after upgrading NeoLoad is necessary to benefit from all the new functions available in the new major or minor version installed. The project migration process is fully automated. When a project is opened in NeoLoad, it detects the creation version and converts it.
- Warning: Before migrating NeoLoad projects to a major or minor version, it is recommended to make a backup of all the projects. The automatic project upgrade is a one-way process and cannot be undone. See Project backup.
Migrating collaborative projects requires specific operations. See Upgrade a collaborative project.
Migrate framework parameters
Framework parameter definitions are stored in the conf/frameworks sub-directory of the user directory, as described in Configuration files. Each new minor version has its own specific directory, which is created the first time NeoLoad starts.
Any framework parameters created by the user and left over from an earlier version are copied to the framework parameters directory in the new version.
The frameworks created by the user are automatically migrated when NeoLoad is upgraded.
However, NeoLoad framework parameters (.NET, AMF, E Business, ICEFaces, JSF, LightStreamer, RTMP, RTMPT, Siebel, Silverlight and Workspace) do not migrate; they take their default values in the new version.
- Warning: The frameworks updated by the user in an older NeoLoad version are not automatically migrated. To transfer the changes made to this type of framework, it is necessary to export the edited parameters before importing them in the new version of NeoLoad.
For more information about frameworks, see Frameworks.