Troubleshooting browser problems

  1. Subform does not start when the same browser instance is shared by multiple users
  2. Page help does not display
  3. Identity Service Center login orientation error in Internet Explorer 10.0
  4. Administrator Console does not display correctly on Internet Explorer 10.0 in bidirectional mode
  5. Mozilla Firefox web browser truncates double-byte characters in text fields
  6. Enabling Microsoft Internet Explorer active scripting
  7. Update issues in the Administrator Console on Internet Explorer, version 10.0, native mode
  8. Cannot initiate a session with ISIM Server
  9. Table columns truncate entries that exceed 50 characters (Mozilla Firefox only)
  10. Drop-down lists and pop-up menus do not display (Mozilla Firefox only)
  11. Mozilla Firefox does not wrap text in a table column
  12. Window does not resize properly (Mozilla Firefox only)
  13. Inconsistent tab order between supported web browsers
  14. Mozilla Firefox browser overwrites the session management behavior

    Parent topic: Troubleshooting and support