
  1. Virtual appliance configuration
  2. User interface customization overview
  3. Service type management
  4. Access type management
  5. Global adoption policies
  6. Post office configuration
  7. Modify the sample email content
  8. Form customization
  9. Manage manual notification templates
  10. Entities management
  11. Access configuration
  12. Account category management
  13. Ownership type management
  14. Operations management
  15. Lifecycle rules management
  16. Policy join directives configuration
  17. Global policy enforcement
  18. Data import and export
  19. Configuration of IBM Cognos reporting components
  20. Comma-Separated Value (CSV) identity feed
  21. Directory Services Markup Language (DSML) identity feed
  22. Identity feed management
  23. The Identity mobile application
  24. Integrating with IBM Control Desk