Operations management
We can configure operational workflows for IBM Security Identity Manager system entities and entity types. We can customize the out-of-box entity type operations to implement the security requirements of the organization. An operation is an action that can be done on an entity. Operations defined for a specific entity type are used by all entities of the specified type. However, if an operation is defined for a specific entity, the operation takes precedence over the entity type operation.
System administrators can create new or modify existing operations for entities and entity types. We can customize operations for Account, Person, and Business Partner Person entity types. The standard operations apply to these entities unless you define a customized operation at the entity level. Beginning with ISIM, we can define access control for custom operations when we create access control items.
- Add operation
- changePassword operation
- Delete operation
- Modify operation
- Restore operation
- selfRegister operation
- Suspend operation
- Transfer operation
- Add operations for entities
- Change operations for entities
- Deleting operations for entities
- Specifying a custom operation and its access control item
Parent topic: Configure