The AUDIT_MGMT_ACTIVITY table is modified if a manual activity event is escalated normally or if the participants that are assigned cannot be resolved.
Normal escalation
If the manual activity was not completed by the original participants by the due date and was reassigned to the escalation participants the following columns are changed in the AUDIT_MGMT_ACTIVITY table. That table was created when the create manual activity event occurred.
Column name Column description Data type WORKITEM_ID* Identifier of the work item that represents the escalation participant assignments and the due date for the manual activity. Numeric ESCALATED_DATE Date and time when the manual activity was escalated. This column is not set when the manual activity is created. Character (50) DUE_DATE Date and time when the activity is due or times out. This column is updated to set the new due date and time for the escalation participants. Character (50) * Indicates the column is required and not null.
Participants cannot be resolved
If the participants for a manual activity cannot be resolved, the activity is created in an escalated state. An example of unresolved participants is an activity that is assigned to a group or role that has no members. The content of the AUDIT_MGMT_ACTIVITY table is the same as the create manual activity event with the following modifications.
Column name Column description Data type EVENT_ID* Identifier that corresponds to the ID column in the AUDIT_EVENT table for the escalate manual activity event. Numeric ESCALATED_DATE Date and time when the manual activity was escalated. Character (50) DUE_DATE Date and time that is set for the escalation participants. Character (50) * Indicates the column is required and not null.
Parent topic: Escalate manual activity event