The AUDIT_EVENT table is common for all audit events. However, the value for some columns is different depending on the event. See the specific event for the column values.

Column Name Column Description Data type
ID* ID by which this event is identified. Primary key. Numeric
ITIM_EVENT_CATEGORY* Security Identity Manager type of the event Character (50)
ENTITY_NAME Name of the ISIM entities altered by this event. The size of this column is 100 characters, which assumes that the name of the entity that is being audited is 100 or less character long. Character (1000)
ENTITY_DN DN of the entity involved in this event. Character (1000)
ENTITY_TYPE Enter of the ISIM entity. Character (50)
ACTION* The value of this column depends on the event type. Each event type has a set of actions. Character (25)
WORKFLOW_PROCESS_ID Process ID of the workflow initiated. This column is applicable to workflow operations. Numeric
INITIATOR_NAME The user ID of the ITIM account that submitted the request. Character (1000)
INITIATOR_DN The distinguished name of the ITIM account that submitted the request. Character (1000)

PERSON - Indicates that the request was submitted by a person.

SYSTEM - Indicates that the request was submitted by the ISIM system.

Character (50)
INITIATOR_PERSON_DN Distinguished name of the person who submitted the request. Character (1000)
INITIATOR_PERSON_NAME Name of the person who submitted the request. Character (1000)
CONTAINER_NAME Name of the container that holds the entity. Character (1000)
CONTAINER_DN Distinguished name of the container that holds the entity. Character (1000)
RESULT_SUMMARY The results of an event:



If the operation is submitted to workflow, this column indicates whether the operation was successfully submitted to workflow.

Character (25)
TIMESTAMP* The time when the audit event occurs. It is also a start time of the operation. Character (50)
COMMENTS Description for this event. Character (1000)
TIMESTAMP2 The time stamp for when the event was completed. Character (50)

* Indicates the column is required and not null.

Parent topic: Auditing schema tables