The AUDIT_MGMT_ACTIVITY table contains information about the manual activity that was created and its status.. The AUDIT_MGMT_ACTIVITY table contains the following columns.

Column name Column description Data type
EVENT_ID* Identifier that is assigned to this event. References AUDIT_EVENT (ID) Numeric
ROOT_WORKFLOW_PROCESS_ID* Identifier of the root workflow process in which the manual activity was created. Numeric
WORKFLOW_PROCESS_ID* Identifier of the workflow process in which the manual activity was created. Numeric
ID* Identifier of the manual activity. The value of this column serves as a foreign key for the AUDIT_MGMT_ACTIVITY_PARTICIPANT table. Numeric
WORKITEM_ID* Identifier of the work item that represents the current participant assignments and the due date for the manual activity. The value of this column is updated when the manual activity is escalated. It then becomes the identifier of the work item that represents the escalation participant assignments and the due date. Numeric
TYPE* Enter of the activity. Character (25)
NAME * Name of the manual activity. The administrator can specify a translated label using the syntax $labelKey. Character (1000)
PERSON_NAME * Name of the person for whom the manual activity was created. Character (1000)
PERSON_DN Distinguished name of the person for whom the manual activity was created. The PERSON_DN is populated only if the person exists at the time that the activity is created. Character (1000)
SERVICE_NAME Name of the service for which the manual activity was created. Character (1000)
SERVICE_DN Distinguished name of the service for which the manual activity was created. Character (1000)
ACCOUNT_USERID User ID of the account for which the manual activity was created. Character (1000)
ACCOUNT_DN Distinguished name of the account for which the manual activity was created. The ACCOUNT_DN is populated only if the account exists at the time that the activity was created. Character (1000)
ACCESS_CATALOG_ID Identifier of the access catalog item for which the manual activity was created. Numeric
ACCESS_CATALOG_NAME Name of the access catalog item for which the manual activity was created. Character (1000)
ACCESS_CATALOG_DESCRIPTION Description of the access catalog item for which the manual activity was created. Character (1000)
ACCESS_CATALOG_CATEGORY Category of the access catalog item for which the manual activity was created. Character (1000)
ACCESS_CATALOG_ICON URL of the access catalog icon for which the manual activity was created. Character (1000)
ACCESS_CATALOG_BADGE_1 Text and style of the first badge for the access catalog item for which the manual activity was created. Character (1000)
ACCESS_CATALOG_BADGE_2 Text and style of the second badge for the access catalog item for which the manual activity was created. Character (1000)
ACCESS_CATALOG_BADGE_3 Text and style of the third badge for the access catalog item for which the manual activity was created. Character (1000)
ACCESS_CATALOG_BADGE_4 Text and style of the fourth badge for the access catalog item for which the manual activity was created. Character (1000)
ACCESS_CATALOG_BADGE_5 Text and style of the fifth badge for the access catalog item for which the manual activity was created. Character (1000)
CREATED_DATE* Date and time when the manual activity was created. Character (50)
ESCALATED_DATE Date and time when the manual activity was escalated. This column is not set when the manual activity is created. Character (50)
DUE_DATE Date and time when the activity escalates or times out if it is already escalated, or times out if no escalation participants exist. This column is updated to set the new due date and time for the escalation participants. Character (50)
COMPLETED_DATE Date and time when the manual activity is completed, canceled, or times out. This column is not set when the manual activity is created. Character (50)
COMPLETION_CODES Valid completion or result codes for the manual activity. Character (50)
COMPLETION_CODE Completion or result code that is specified by the participant when the manual activity is completed. This column is not set when the manual activity is created. Character (50)
STATUS* Status of the manual activity.
Character (25)
JUSTIFICATION Justification that is specified when the user submitted the request that created the manual activity. Character (4000)
COMMMENTS Comments that are specified by the participant that completed the activity. This column is not set when the manual activity is created. Character (1000)
CUSTOM_TITLE Title to be displayed when the activity is listed on the Manage Activities and Decisions page in Identity Service Center. Character (4000)

* Indicates the column is required and not null. The columns for a specified row in the AUDIT_MGMT_ACTIVITY table might change as the manual activity changes from one state to another.

Parent topic: Create manual activity event