Activities - Access Control
Use this page to create the workflow activities, such as approvals, e-mail notifications, and requests for information. If we do not have access control item permission to change the workflow, the information on this page is displayed in read-only mode.
- Select method for defining activities
- Select Simple to select workflow activities from the fields in the Simple Activities Definition table, or select Advanced to use the workflow designer to configure the activities.
Click other tabs to specify additional information. Then, either click OK to save the changes or Apply to save your changes and continue.
The Simple Activities Definition table displays the activities in a workflow. The activities are listed in the order in which they are to be performed. If we have permission to create or change the workflow, we can add, delete, and change the activities in the table. We can also change the order of activities within the table.
Select the type of activity to add and click Go. The specific Activities page is displayed.
- Select
- Specifies an activity. To select one or more activities, select the check box adjacent to the activity. To select all activities, select the check box at the top of the column.
- Order
- Identifies the order in which an activity runs. An activity at the top of the list runs before an activity that is lower in the list.
- Activity Name
- Name of an activity. If the workflow already contains activities, they are displayed in the table. Click the name of the activity to view or change the information about the activity.
- Participant
- Identifies the user or group of users who are responsible for managing the activity.
- Escalation Time in Days
- Number of days that the participant must act before an account or access request escalates to the escalation participant.
We can use these buttons.
- Change
- Click to change a selected activity.
- Delete
- Click to delete one or more selected activities. The activities are immediately deleted from the list. If we click Delete and then decide to keep the activities, click Cancel to exit and retain the activities in the workflow.
- Move up
- Click to change the order in which an activity runs. The activity must be selected.
- Move down
- Click to change the order in which an activity runs. The activity must be selected.
Use the workflow designer Java applet to define activities for the workflow. Activities that we create in the workflow designer cannot later be modified using the simple method.
Workflows can be as simple as requiring only one approval, or they can be as complex as requiring multiple approvals with RFIs, loops, and so on. Manual activities defined in the workflow populates an individual participant's To Do list as each process in the workflow is completed. At any point, the system administrator can view any user's To Do list and act as the Participant, overriding the approval authority.
To define a workflow, drag and drop the design nodes from the node palette onto the workflow design space and connect them with transition lines.
After you place a design node on the workflow design space, double-click the node to configure its properties.
- Workflow design interface
- The workflow designer has these areas:
- Workflow Name
- Displays the name of the workflow.
- Service Type
- Displays the name of the service type.
- Node palette
- Displays all available nodes in the left pane of the interface.
- Design space
- Displays the nodes that we are working with in the large pane of the interface.
- High Contrast
- Select this check box to display the workflow design interface without color representing the design nodes.
- Properties
- Click this button to view configurable properties of the workflow node.
- Update
- Click this button to refresh the view of the workflow design space.
- Save
- Saves the changes that you made.
- Workflow design nodes
- The following workflow design nodes are available:
- Approval
Use this node to define the person who must approve a request or activity before workflow processes can continue. We can also define an interval of time in which the person must respond to the request before it is escalated.
Use this node to configure e-mail notification.
Use this node to request information from a person. For example, we might need a manager to provide contact information for a new employee before the process of issuing the employee an e-mail account can complete. The person must respond with the information before workflow processes can continue. We can also define an interval of time in which the person must respond to the request before it is escalated.
- Operation
Use this node to initiate an operation workflow that has been defined previously. This workflow can be initiated at any point during the primary workflow.
- Loop
Use this node to repeat a specified activity while or until a specified condition is met.
- Extension
Use this node to specify a workflow extension to manage people and accounts.
- Script
Use this node to specify a JavaScript script that the runs when processing the workflow activities.
- Work Order
Use this node to e-mail a request notification for a manual activity. For example, we might use this node in a workflow to request an ID badge for a new employee. Work order participants are not required to have an ISIM account. They must, however, have an e-mail address that is stored in ISIM directory server.
- Subprocess
Use this node to call a previously defined workflow sequence. Several previously defined workflows can serve as subprocesses for a new workflow.
Parent topic: Manage Account Request Workflows
Parent topic: Manage Access Request Workflows