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- facsimile machine (fax machine)
- A functional unit that converts images to signals for transmission over a telephone system or that converts received signals back to images.
- factor
- In RPG, an entry (for example, a field name, file name, literal, or data structure) that identifies the data to be used in an operation.
- factory
- In object-oriented programming, a class that is used to create instances of another class. A factory is used to isolate the creation of objects of a particular class into one place so that new functions can be provided without widespread code changes.
- factory method
- See also instance method. See class method.
- failover
- An automatic operation that switches to a redundant or standby system in the event of a software, hardware, or network interruption.
- fanout
- (1) A single output that becomes input to multiple branches.
- (2) In communications, the process of creating copies of a distribution to be delivered locally or to be sent through the network.
- far-end code violation
- In Performance Tools, an unintended line code violation detected by the network termination 1 (NT1), and counted by the terminal equipment (TE), for frames transmitted to the NT1 on the interface for the T reference point in the integrated services digital network (ISDN). The NT1 reports a violation to the TE through the maintenance channel S1.
- Fast Ethernet
- An Ethernet standard that provides a data rate of 100 Mbps.
- fast packet switching
- Communications protocols, such as frame relay and cell relay, that specify the processing of lower-layer data only for the transmission of data packets across a network.
- fast path
- A method of doing something more directly and quickly than the usual way. For example, pressing a function key is faster than typing a command.
- fast select
- In OSI, an X.25 optional user facility that can be encoded into a call request packet sent to an adjacent node. The fast select facility is included to provide conformance to ISO 8878.
- fault
- In OSI, an event that triggers an unwanted transition in the condition of a resource.
- fax
- (1) The printed copy received from a facsimile machine.
- (2) To transmit an image, using a telephone system and facsimile machines.
- fax machine
- See facsimile machine.
- See first-character forms control.
- See file compare and merge utility.
- (1) See function control sequence.
- (2) See frame check sequence.
- (1) See forms control table.
- (2) See file control table.
- See Formatted Data Object Content Architecture.
- feature
- Part of a product that is either included with the product or can be ordered separately.
- feature code
- A code used by IBM® to process hardware and software orders.
- feature-unique Licensed Internal Code (FULIC)
- The Licensed Internal Code shipped with the processor feature that provides support for that feature. FULIC is a complex instruction set computer (CISC)-only function.
- fetch
- To retrieve data from a database.
- fetch overflow
- In RPG, a routine that allows the user to change the basic RPG overflow logic to prevent printing over the perforation and to allow the user to use as much of the page as possible.
- See first-failure data capture.
- See First Failure Support Technology™.
- See final-form text. See also revisable-form text.
- fiber optics
- The technology of guiding optical power (or light) through thin, transparent strands (or fibers) that are made of glass, fused silica, or plastic.
- fiche
- See microfiche.
- fidelity
- In AFP™ support, the degree of exactness required when processing the input data stream for printing a file. Different levels of fidelity can be specified, which determine how errors are handled (such as substituting fonts when a font named in the data stream cannot be found).
- FID field
- See format identification field.
- field
- An area into which a particular category of data or control information is entered.
- field definition
- In IDDU, information that describes the characteristics of data in a field, such as its name, length, and data type. A field definition resides in a data dictionary.
- field description
- Information that describes the characteristics of data in a field.
- field indicator
- In RPG, an indicator that shows whether a given field in an input record is plus, minus, zero, or blank.
- field-level specification
- In DDS, a specification coded on the same line as a field name or on lines immediately following a field name.
- field line
- In RLU, a temporary record in a report prototype that indicates the field boundaries in an associated report line.
- field outline
- The output record to be printed outlines, with boxes, the fields of data within the record.
- field record relation indicator
- In RPG, an indicator that associates fields in an input record with a particular record type. The field record relation indicator is normally used when the record type is one of several in an OR relationship.
- field reference file
- A physical file that contains no data, only descriptions of fields.
- field selection
- (1) In the GDDM® function, the selection of fields from a database file for use as data values.
- (2) In Business Graphics Utility, the selection of fields from a database file for use as data values and data labels.
- (3) A function that uses the state of the option indicators to display or print data when a record format is written.
- See first-in first-out. See also last-in first-out.
- figurative constant
- (1) In RPG, an implied literal that is specified in the calculation specifications without a length definition because the implied length and decimal positions are the same as those of the receiver field.
- (2) In COBOL, a reserved word that represents a numeric or character value or a string of repeated values. The word can be used instead of a literal to represent the value.
- file
- (1) A generic term for the object type that refers to a database file, a device file, or a save file. The system-recognized identifier for the object type is *FILE.
- (2) A collection of related data that is stored and retrieved by an assigned name.
- file attribute conflict condition
- In COBOL, an unsuccessful attempt to run an input-output operation on a file whose file attributes, as specified for that file in the program, do not match the fixed attributes for that file.
- file chaining
- In Query, a function that allows a query application to use data from two database files. The query application views the two chained files as if they were one file and refers to the first file as the primary record format and the second file as the secondary record format.
- file clause
- In COBOL, a clause that appears as part of any of the following Data Division entries: file description entry (FD entry) and sort-merge file description entry (SD entry).
- file compare and merge utility (FCMU)
- A function of the Application Development ToolSet feature that is used to compare physical file members and merge updates to file members.
- file connector
- In COBOL, a storage area that contains information about a file and is used as the connection between a file name and a physical file, and between a file name and its associated record area.
- file control
- (1) COBOL, the name and header of an Environment Division paragraph in which the data files for a source program are named and assigned to specific input/output devices.
- (2) The CICS® facility for managing basic operations against a file (ADD, READ, DELETE, REWRITE, and BROWSE).
- file control entry
- In COBOL, a SELECT clause and all its subordinate clauses that declare the relevant physical attributes of a file.
- file control table (FCT)
- A CICS table containing the characteristics of the files accessed by file control.
- file definition
- (1) In RPG, file description and input specifications that describe the records and fields in a file.
- (2) In IDDU, information that describes the contents and characteristics of a file. A file definition resides in a data dictionary.
- file description
- The description of a file and its contents.
- file description entry
- In COBOL, an entry in the FILE SECTION of the Data Division that contains information about the identification, the physical organization, and the record name of a file.
- file description file
- In iSeries™ Access, a personal computer file that describes a personal computer data file. The description includes the name, data type, field length, and format of the data file. This information is used by the iSeries Access transfer function to transfer data to the iSeries server.
- file description specification
- In RPG, a specification on which the programmer identifies and describes all files used in a program.
- file descriptor
- A positive integer or a data structure that uniquely identifies an open file for the purpose of file access.
- file identifier
- A 3-character identifier used for files being joined in Query for a query. The identifiers are used during a query definition to uniquely identify each file.
- file information data structure (INFDS)
- In RPG, a data structure that can be defined for each file to make file exception/error information available to the program. A file information data structure must be unique for each file.
- file key
- In RPG, all the key fields defined for a file.
- file level specification
- In DDS, a specification coded on the lines before the first record format name.
- file list
- A list of files contained in a library.
- file maintenance
- The process of adding, changing, or deleting records in a file to keep them current.
- file mode creation mask
- A pattern of characters that is used to control the keeping, deleting, or testing of portions of another pattern of characters.
- file name
- A name assigned to identify a file.
- file name extension
- An optional 3-letter code that may be used as the second part of a PC file name, and is separated from the file name by a period (.). Extensions have meanings to programs, and may be used to identify the type of the file.
- file operation code
- In RPG, an operation code (for example, CHAIN) that lets the user control the input/output operations to a file.
- file organization
- In COBOL, the permanent file arrangement established at the time that a file is created.
- file override
- An attribute specified at run time that changes the attributes specified in the file description or in the program.
- file pointer
- In the hierarchical file system, the representation of the position or offset in the file in which the next read or write operation occurs.
- file position indicator
- In COBOL, a conceptual entity that (a) contains the value of the current key within the key of reference for an indexed file, the record number of the current record for a sequential file, or the relative record number of the current record for a relative file; or (b) indicates that no next logical record exists, that the number of significant digits in the relative record number is larger than the size of the relative key data item, that an optional input file is not present, that the at end condition already exists, or that no valid next record has been established.
- file reference function
- A function of the system that lets the user track file use on the system.
- File Section
- In COBOL, the section of the Data Division that contains file description entries and sort-merge file description entries together with their associated record descriptions.
- file separator
- The pages produced at the beginning of each output file and used to separate the file from the other files being sent to an output device.
- file server I/O processor
- An input/output processor (IOP) that serves files.
- File Services
- See OSI File Services.
- file share
- A unique name assigned to an integrated file system directory on a System i™ product that lets remote users and applications access the directory.
- files library
- The library to search for database files for a System/36™ environment job.
- file system
- (1) In the hierarchical file system, the underlying system support that manages I/O operations to files and controls the format of information on the storage media. A file system allows applications to create and manage files on storage devices and to perform I/O operations to those files.
- (2) A collection of files and certain attributes associated with those files.
- file transfer, access, and management (FTAM)
- The OSI standard for transferring files between nodes.
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- In the Internet suite of protocols, an application layer protocol that uses TCP and Telnet services to transfer bulk-data files between machines or hosts.
- file transfer support (FTS)
- A function of the operating system that moves file members from one System i product to another or from a System i product to a System/36 by using asynchronous, APPC, or BSCEL communications support.
- file translation
- In RPG, a function that can change any of the 256 EBCDIC characters into another EBCDIC character.
- filler line
- In RLU, a record in a report prototype that represents spacing between record formats and is used in the data description specifications (DDS) for the report.
- fillet
- A curve that is tangent to the end points of two connected lines.
- fill pattern
- The shading used inside a bar and pie slice on a chart and below the lines of a chart.
- filter
- (1) In System Manager, a function that assigns alerts or problems into groups and specifies the actions to take for each group. A filter consists of selection entries and action entries.
- (2) A device or program that separates data, signals, or material in accordance with specified criteria.
- filtering
- The selective function of allowing some Internet Protocol (IP) packets to continue to their destination or, at the same time, blocking others.
- filter interface
- A statement that is used to associate a set of filter rules with a particular physical interface.
- filter rule
- A rule that selects particular Internet Protocol (IP) traffic and requests an action for that traffic. Possible actions are to discard the packet, to allow the packet without security, and to take the appropriate IP security action.
- final-form text (FFT)
- A data stream defined by document content architecture that is used to exchange resolved documents (which can be printed directly by most printers or displayed) between systems. See also revisable-form text.
- Final-Form Text Document Content Architecture
- The architecture that specifies the structure of the data stream used for the interchange of text documents formatted for presentation. A Final-Form Text:Document Content Architecture document consists of text and formatting information that controls the presentation of the text.
- final warning
- In OSI Communications Subsystem, a subsystem threshold that indicates that not enough system storage is available to maintain existing connections. When the final warning threshold is reached, the subsystem ends existing connections and does not allow new connections to be made. See also first warning.
- finance communications
- The data communications support that allows i5/OS® programs to communicate with programs on finance controllers, using the SNA LU session type 0 protocol.
- finance device
- A device, such as the 4700 Finance Communications System devices and the 3694 Document Processor, that performs functions specifically related to the finance industry. The 3180, 3270, and 5250 work stations are not finance devices.
- finance I/O manager (FIOM)
- A set of routines that can be used by an application program to do I/O operations on a finance device that is configured as a non-intersystem communications function (non-ICF) device.
- finance support
- A part of the system support that uses a System i product as a host system to which finance devices can be attached.
- finger
- In Internet communications, a program that displays information about the current users of a local or remote system. The finger usually displays the user's full name, last login time, idle time, terminal line, and terminal location (where applicable).
- finishing margin
- In printing, the distance from the edge of a paper to the line where staples are placed for edge stitching.
- See finance I/O manager.
- firewall
- A network configuration, usually both hardware and software, that prevents unauthorized traffic into and out of a secure network.
- first-character forms control (FCFC)
- A method that specifies the format of printed output. The first character of each record determines the format.
- first-failure data capture (FFDC)
- The i5/OS implementation of the FFST architecture providing problem recognition, selective dump of diagnostic data, symptom string generation, and problem log entry.
- First Failure Support Technology (FFST)
- An IBM architecture that defines a single approach to error detection through defensive programming techniques. These techniques provide proactive (passive until required) problem recognition and a description of diagnostic output required to debug a software problem.
- first-in first-out (FIFO)
- A queuing technique in which the next item to be retrieved is the item that has been in the queue for the longest time. See also last-in first-out.
- first-level folder
- A folder name that is not preceded by another folder name. A first-level folder is the first folder name in a folder path. For example, if folder A is a first-level folder, folder path A/B indicates that folder B is within folder A, and that folder A is within the root folder.
- first-page indicator
- In RPG, an indicator, coded as 1P, that specifies which lines (such as headings) should be printed on the first page only.
- first speaker
- In SNA, the logical unit (LU) half-session defined when the session is started as the half-session able to begin a bracket without requesting permission from the other LU half-session to do so, and the half-session winning permission if both half-sessions attempt to begin a bracket simultaneously. See also bidder.
- first warning
- In OSI Communications Subsystem, a subsystem threshold that indicates that not enough system storage is available to establish new connections. When the first warning threshold is reached, the subsystem maintains existing connections but does not allow new connections to be made. See also final warning.
- fixed currency symbol
- A currency symbol that appears in the far left position of an edited field. See also floating currency symbol.
- fixed data
- In AFP Utilities, an element in the record layout and page layout that has a constant value. See also variable data.
- fixed file attribute
- In COBOL, information about a file that is established when a file is created and that cannot subsequently be changed during the existence of the file. Attributes include the organization of the file (sequential, relative, or indexed), the prime record key, the alternate record keys, the minimum and maximum record size, the record type (fixed or variable), the collating sequence of the keys for indexed files, the minimum and maximum physical record size, the padding character, and the record delimiter.
- fixed-form
- Pertaining to the entering of data according to certain rules of format. See also free-form.
- fixed length
- A specified length for a record or field that cannot be changed. See also variable length.
- fixed-length
- Pertaining to a characteristic of a field on a display that is of a defined length.
- fixed-length string
- A character, graphic, or binary string whose length is specified and cannot be changed. See also varying-length string.
- fixed pacing
- See fixed session-level pacing. See also adaptive session-level pacing.
- fixed-point constant
- A numeric constant shown as an optional sign followed by one or more digits and a decimal point.
- fixed-point format
- (1) The external representation of a decimal value, that shows an optional sign followed by one or more digits, a decimal point, and zero or more digits.
- (2) The internal storage format that represents a fixed-point value that can be stored either in zoned or packed decimal format.
- fixed-point notation
- A REXX number that is written without exponentiation.
- fixed session-level pacing (fixed pacing)
- A form of session-level pacing in which the data transfer rate is controlled using fixed pacing-window sizes, which are initialized at session-activation time. See also adaptive session-level pacing.
- fix pack
- A cumulative collection of fixes that is made available between scheduled refresh packs, manufacturing refreshes, or releases. It is intended to allow customers to come up to a specific maintenance level. See also program temporary fix.
- flag
- (1) Information about an extended attribute that is stored with the extended attribute.
- (2) The bit sequence 01111110 used to mark a frame in SDLC.
- flight recorder
- An object that stores trace information used to record a history of what has happened in the system's programs. The flight recorder contains only information that helps to identify the flow of the system's programs and status information.
- floating bar chart
- A chart that shows bars detached from either line. See also composite bar chart, multiple bar chart.
- floating bar graph
- In Performance Tools, a graph that shows bars detached from either line. See also composite bar graph.
- floating currency symbol
- A currency symbol that appears immediately to the left of the far left position in an edited field. See also fixed currency symbol.
- floating point
- A method of encoding real numbers within the limits of finite precision available on computers.
- floating-point constant
- (1) A numeric constant shown as an optional sign, followed by the letter D or E, followed by a 1- to 3-digit integer constant. For example, 3E-02, which is 3 times 10 to the -2 power or 0.03.
- (2) A number shown as an optional sign followed by one or more digits and a decimal point, which may be at the end.
- floating-point format
- In binary floating-point representation, the storage format that represents a binary floating-point value.
- floating-point notation
- A REXX number that is written using exponentiation.
- flow
- The passing of a message from one process to another. For example, Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA®) flows are those that consist only of messages described by the DRDA protocol as part of the DRDA protocols.
- flow control
- In OSI, procedures that control the amount of data than can be sent from one node to another. Flow control is used to prevent a node from sending data to another node faster than the receiver can handle it.
- flush left
- Text aligned at the left margin. See also flush right.
- flush right
- Text aligned at the right margin. See also flush left.
- FM
- See frequency modulation.
- See function management header.
- focal point
- An APPN network node that is the destination of alerts. A focal point allows a customer to centrally manage a network.
- focus
- In VisualAge® RPG, the state of a component, as indicated by the cursor, that indicates where a user's interaction with the keyboard will appear.
- fold
- To continue data on the next line. See also truncate.
- folder
- A container used to organize objects.
- folderless document
- A document in the document library that is not in any folder.
- folder path
- A folder name, followed by one or more additional folder names, where each preceding folder is found. For example, path A/B indicates that folder B is within folder A, and that folder A is in the root folder.
- font
- (1) A particular type style (for example, Bodoni or Times Roman) that contains definitions of character sets, marker sets, and pattern sets.
- (2) A family or assortment of characters of a given size and style, for example, 9-point Bodoni modern.
- font character set
- Part of an AFP font that contains the raster patterns, identifiers, and descriptions of characters.
- font ID
- A number that identifies the character style and size for certain printers.
- font palette
- In VisualAge RPG, a window from which the user can select the font to be applied to a selected control.
- font resource
- A resource object that is required to print AFPDS documents on a printer. The three types of font resources are coded fonts, character sets, and code pages. The system-recognized identifier for the object type is *FNTRSC.
- footer
- Text that is formatted to be in the bottom margin of printed pages in a document. See also header.
- footing area
- In COBOL, the position of the page body adjacent to the bottom margin.
- force-all
- In Application Development ToolSet, a specification that tests whether the control field in the input record contains a particular entry. If it does not, the control field character is replaced before the record is sorted.
- forced Licensed Internal Code completion
- A function of the system that allows the user to force a deadlocked system to complete interrupted machine instructions by turning the Power switch on the control panel to the Delayed Off position.
- force time
- The time when all items on a distribution queue are sent regardless of how many items are on the queue.
- foreign key
- (1) A field or set of fields in a dependent file of a constraint relationship. Each foreign key value must either match a parent key value in the related parent file or be null.
- (2) In a relational database, a key in one table that references the primary key in another table. See also primary key, unique key.
- (3) A column or set of columns that refers to a parent key.
- fork
- (1) To create and start a child process.
- (2) A function that creates a child process, which is almost an exact copy of the calling, or parent, process.
- form
- (1) In query management, an object that describes how to format the data for printing or displaying a report.
- (2) A physical sheet of paper or other medium on which data is printed.
- format
- (1) The shape, size, printing requirements, and general makeup of a printed document or presentation display.
- (2) The arrangement or layout of data in a data medium.
- (3) To prepare a diskette for use by a computer, by creating an addressing scheme for data storage.
- (4) To arrange information on a page, in a file, or on a display screen.
- format identification field (FID field)
- In SNA, a field in each transmission header (TH) that indicates the format of the TH; that is, the presence or absence of certain fields. TH formats differ in accordance with the types of nodes between which they pass.
- format line
- In SEU, the abbreviated names of the source line fields that are displayed directly above the source line. The format line is displayed when the F (format) line command is run.
- format selector
- A user-defined program (either a CL or a high-level language program) that determines where a record should be placed in the database when an application program does not pass a record format name for a record being added to a logical file.
- Formatted Data Object Content Architecture (FD:OCA)
- A defined collection of constructs used to interchange formatted data.
- formatted diskette
- A diskette on which the control information for a particular computer system has been written but which may or may not contain any data.
- formatted document
- A document arranged in paragraphs and pages usually for viewing or printing.
- formatted system service
- A portion of VTAM® that provides certain system services as a result of receiving a field-formatted command, such as an Initiate or Terminate command. See also unformatted system service.
- formatted text
- The footnote reference number and the associated text within the footnote that is resolved at the bottom of the page.
- form definition
- An Advanced Function Presentation™ (AFP) resource object that defines the characteristics of the form or printed media, including: overlays to be used, duplex printing, text suppression, the position of composed-text data on the form, and the number and modifications of a page.
- form feed
- An ASCII printer control, 0C, that causes the printer to eject the current page. All jobs printing on a page printer should end with a form feed, which forces the last page to print.
- form-field editing
- Numeric, character, or date and time editing that can be specified for a form-field instruction.
- forms control table (FCT)
- An object that contains the special processing requirements for output data streams received from a host system by a remote job entry (RJE) session. The system-recognized identifier for the object type is *FCT.
- forms flash
- In AFP support on the 3800 Printing Subsystem, a means of printing an overlay using a negative plate projected on a form.
- form type
- A 10-character identifier, assigned by the user, that identifies each type of form used for printed output.
- forwardable ticket
- A ticket that allows a server to pass on the credentials of the requester to another service. For this to happen, the initial TGT must have been requested with the forwardable option and the server is allowed to delegate credentials.
- forwarder
- A name server whose main purpose is to handle all off-site queries for name servers at a given site.
- forward-mapping domain
- A domain database file that maps host names to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
- forward recovery
- The process of reconstructing a file from a particular point by restoring a saved version of the file and then applying changes to that file in the same order they were originally made. See also backout recovery.
- See fully qualified domain name.
- fragment
- An Internet Protocol (IP) datagram that contains only a portion of the user data from a larger IP
- fragmentation
- The process of breaking down an Internet Protocol (IP) datagram into smaller parts to match the capabilities of the physical medium over which it will be transmitted. See also defragmentation.
- frame
- (1) The block of information transmitted between two or more stations in the data link layer of a network. It includes delimiters, control characters, information, and checking characters.
- (2) In hypertext markup language (HTML) coding, a subset of the Web browser window.
- frame check sequence (FCS)
- In communications, a field in a frame used to determine if the frame was received without an error.
- frame reject (FRMR)
- In communications, a data link command or response used to reject a received frame. A frame reject is generally used to indicate that the received protocol data unit is not valid or not supported.
- frame relay
- A protocol for routing frames through the network based on the address field (data link connection identifier) in the frame and for managing the route or virtual connection.
- framework
- (1) A set of classes that embodies an abstract design for solutions to a family of related problems.
- (2) A set of class libraries encompassing the following: Functions (or set of functions) of a particular domain arranged in an inheritance hierarchy. An encoded model for use of the framework that defines the relationships between the classes in the framework and the rules that govern their use. Frameworks call the code; the user does not call the frameworks.
- free-form
- Pertaining to the entering of data without regard for rules of format. See also fixed-form.
- frequency modulation (FM)
- The process of regulating the frequency of the carrier wave in accordance with speech or a signal.
- See frame reject.
- See file transfer, access, and management.
- See File Transfer Protocol.
- See file transfer support.
- See feature-unique Licensed Internal Code.
- full backup
- The process of copying all the files on a system. See also cumulative backup.
- full DST capability
- A dedicated service tools (DST) capability used by a service representative or an experienced system user that provides access to all DST functions except changing DST passwords.
- full duplex
- Pertaining to communication in which data can be sent and received at the same time.
- full menus
- A choice that allows a user to see all of the choices available on the menus.
- full notebook
- A choice that allows a user to see all of the choices available in the notebook.
- full procedural file
- In RPG, a file that uses input operations controlled by programmer-specified operation codes instead of by the program cycle. See also primary file.
- full save operation
- In Backup Recovery and Media Services, a backup operation that includes all objects, libraries, or folders in a control group regardless of whether they have been changed since the last backup operation or archive operation.
- full-screen editor
- A program that allows users to edit an entire screen of data or text at one time.
- fullselect
- In SQL, that form of the SELECT statement that includes ORDER BY or UNION operators. See also subselect.
- fullword binary
- In DB2® UDB for iSeries, a binary number with a precision of 31 bits.
- fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
- In Internet communications, the name of a host system that includes all of the subnames of the domain name. An example of a fully qualified domain name is
- function
- (1) A named group of statements that can be called and evaluated and can return a value to the calling statement.
- (2) In SQL, an operation that supplies a single value from another value or from a set of values. A function obtains a single value by applying the function name (for example, AVG) to the result of the expression (for example, column-name).
- (3) In REXX, a series of instructions that a REXX procedure calls to perform a specific task and to return a value. The three types of routines that can be called as functions are internal, built-in, and external.
- (4) Any instruction or set of related instructions that perform a specific operation.
- functional privilege
- The ability to grant or revoke access to individual service tools functions.
- functional unit
- (1) Hardware, software, or a combination of hardware and software that is capable of accomplishing a specified purpose.
- (2) In OSI, a logical grouping of related services.
- function call
- In REXX, the process of calling a set of instructions that must return a result. Function calls can be included in an expression anywhere that a term would be valid.
- function check
- A notification that an unexpected condition has stopped the running of a program.
- function control sequence (FCS)
- A multiple-leaving telecommunications access method (MTAM), control character that controls the flow of individual function streams.
- function key indicator
- In RPG, an indicator that is set on when a valid corresponding function key is pressed. Valid function key indicators are KA through KN and KP through KY.
- function management header (FMH)
- In SNA, a record that contains control information for the data that follows.
- function name
- In COBOL, an IBM-defined name that identifies system logical units, system-supplied information, printer control characters, and program switches.
- function shipping
- The process, transparent to the application program, by which CICS accesses resources when those resources are actually held on another CICS system.