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abbreviated combined relation condition

In COBOL, a combined condition that omits a common subject or a common subject and common relational operator from a consecutive sequence of relational conditions. For example, (A and B) or (A and C) can be abbreviated A and (B or C).

abbreviated installation

A process in which the verification and i5/OS® error recovery part of installation is done without restoring the saved version of the operating system. See also normal installation.


See Agent Building and Learning Environment.


See asynchronous balanced mode extended.


In data communications, a function called by a sending primary, secondary, or combined station that causes the recipient to discard and ignore all bit sequences transmitted by the sender since the preceding flag sequences or to discard and ignore all data transmitted by the sender since the previous checkpoint.

absolute path name

A string of characters used to refer to an object, starting at the highest level (or root) of the directory hierarchy. The absolute path name must begin with a slash (/), which indicates that the path begins at the root. See also relative path name.

absolute positional pattern

In REXX, the part of a parsing template that allows a string to be split by the specification of numeric positions. A positional pattern has no sign or has an equal sign.

absolute time

A time relative to a selected previous time from which the time scale (or measurement of time) begins. For example if you wanted to start a batch job using absolute time and the timescale begins at midnight, then specifying an absolute time of 07:00 would mean that the batch job runs at 7am. If the timescale begins at 9am with an absolute time of 07:00, the batch job would run at 4pm.

absolute value

The numeric value of a number regardless of its algebraic sign (positive or negative).

abstract syntax

A data specification that includes all distinctions that are needed in data transmissions, but that omits (abstracts) other details such as those that depend on specific computer architectures. See also transfer syntax.

Abstract Syntax Checker (ASC)

In OSI, a utility program for OSI Communications Subsystem that processes user-specified ASN.1 statements and generates (a) data structures in a user-selected programming language that define the format of the data used to communicate with peer application entities, and (b) the metatable that OSI Communications Subsystem uses to encode and decode the data passed between application entities.

Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)

In Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), a notation for defining data structures and data types. The notation is defined in international standards ISO 8824/ITU X.208 and ISO 8825/ITU X.209.

Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT)

In Java™ programming, a collection of GUI components that were implemented using native-platform versions of the components. These components provide that subset of functionality which is common to all operating system environments. (Sun)

abuttal operator

In REXX, when two terms in an expression are adjacent and are not separated by an operator, they are said to abut. The effect of this operation is that the two terms are concatenated without a blank.


See alternating current.

accept calls

An inbound X.25 DTE attribute that determines whether or not the local node accepts a call from an adjacent node.

accept reverse charging

An inbound X.25 DTE attribute that determines whether or not the local node pays for a call from an adjacent node.


The ability to read, update, or otherwise use a resource. Access to protected resources is usually controlled by system software.

access control

In computer security, the process of ensuring that users can access only those resources of a computer system for which they are authorized.

access control list (ACL)

In computer security, a list associated with an object that identifies all the subjects that can access the object and their access rights.

access control list group (ACL group)

In the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), a group of users who have the same access privileges.

access intent

The resource type attribute that determines how a resource participates in a transaction when the resource has been placed under commitment control. The possible access intents are update, read-only, and undetermined access intent.

access method

A technique for moving data between main storage and input/output devices.

access path

The method that is selected by the database manager for retrieving data from a specific table. For example, an access path can involve the use of an index, a sequential scan, or a combination of the two.

access path journaling

A method of recording changes to an access path as changes are made to the data in the database file so that the access path can be recovered automatically by the system.

access permission

The object authority to a high-performance file system file.

access plan

In DB2® UDB for iSeries™, the control structure produced during compile time that is used to process SQL statements encountered when the program is run.

access point

A cluster node that is being used as the primary source for replicated objects and for initiating changes to the object.


See nonrepudiation.

accounting code

A 15-character field, assigned to a job by the system when it is processed by the system, that is used to collect statistics for the system resources used for that job when job accounting is active.

accounting entry

A journal entry that contains statistics of system resources used for job accounting.

accounting level

A system value identifying the type of data to be recorded when job accounting is active.

accounting segment

The period of time during which statistics are gathered, beginning when the job starts or when the job's accounting code is changed, and ending when the job ends or when the job's accounting code is next changed.


See automatic call distribution.

ACD group

In telephony, the set of multiple agents assigned to process incoming telephone calls that are directed to the same dialed number. The routing of incoming calls to one of the agents in the ACD group is based on such properties as availability of the agent and length of time since the agent completed the last incoming call.

ACD pilot number

In telephony, the common telephone number that calling parties can dial to route calls to one of multiple agents.


(1) See acknowledgment character.

(2) See acknowledgment.


See even positive acknowledgment.


In BSC, the odd-numbered, positive acknowledgment character, which indicates that text was received without transmission errors.

acknowledged service

In communications, the service that provides for the establishment of a data link level connection. Acknowledged service provides for functions such as sequencing, flow control, and error recovery. See also unacknowledged service.

acknowledgment (ACK)

The transmission of acknowledgment characters as a positive response to a data transmission.

acknowledgment character (ACK)

A transmission control character that is sent as an affirmative response to a data transmission.


See access control list.

ACL group

See access control list group.

acoustic panel

A panel bonded with a material to reduce operating noise from the devices in the rack.


To assign a display station or session to a program.

acquire-program-device operation

An operation that makes a program device available for input or output operations. See also release-program-device operation.


See additional coding-related required information.


See association control service element.

ACSE association

In OSI, an association that uses the services provided by association control service elements.


A defined task that an application performs on an object as a result of an event.

action service

In OSI, a callable service that causes the OSI Communications Subsystem to take an action, such as a data transfer. See also callable service, extract service, set services.

actions profile

In VisualAge® RPG, a collection of actions that can be associated with a specific project.

action subroutine

In VisualAge RPG, logic written by the user to respond to a specific event.


(1) To allocate static storage for a program.

(2) To make a resource ready to perform its function.

activate logical unit (ACTLU)

In SNA, a command used to start a session on a logical unit.

activate physical unit (ACTPU)

In SNA, a command used to start a session on a physical unit.


A processing step that prepares a program to be run. Activation can include allocating and initializing static storage for programs in a job and completing some portions of binding.

activation group

A substructure of a job in which Integrated Language Environment® (ILE) programs and service programs are activated. This substructure contains the resources necessary to run the program. These resources include: static and global program variables, dynamic storage, temporary data management resources, certain types of exception handlers and ending procedures.

activation group number

A 4-byte number that uniquely identifies an activation group within the job.


(1) In cross-site mirroring, pertaining to the configuration state of a mirror copy that indicates geographic mirroring is being performed.

(2) Pertaining to a resource that is currently operational.

active attack

In computer security, an assault on a network that involves an intruder who tries to break into or take over a computer that belongs to someone else. Spoofing is an example of an active attack.

active file

A file on a tape or diskette volume with an expiration date later than the system date.

active group job

A group job that was not suspended by the Transfer to Group Job (TFRGRPJOB) command.

active open

In TCP/IP, the state of a connection that is actively providing a service. See also passive open.

active record

An active subfile record or any record format that is currently shown on a display. See also inactive record.

Active Server Page (ASP)

An HTML page that includes embedded programming code written in scripting languages like VBScript or Jscript that is processed on a Web server before the page is sent to the user. ASP is a Microsoft® technology.

active sort table

A system-supplied sort table that contains the collating sequences for all defined double-byte characters in a double-byte character set. These tables are maintained by the character generator utility function of the Application Development ToolSet feature.

active subfile

A subfile in which a write operation is issued to the subfile record format or to the subfile control record format when the DDS Subfile Initialize (SFLINZ) keyword for display files is in effect.

active subfile record

A record that is added to the subfile by a write operation, or a record that was initialized by the DDS keyword SFLINZ. See also inactive subfile record.

active window

The window with which a user is currently interacting. This is the window that receives keyboard input. It is distinguishable by the unique color of its title bar and border.


(1) In OSI, a logical unit of work into which peer application entities can separate the data that they exchange.

(2) In System Manager, a change management operation initiated by the central site, for example, sending an object, deleting a file, and installing a PTF. An activity is a single stop within a change request.

activity condition

In System Manager, the criteria that must be met before the activity can start running.

activity level

A characteristic of a subsystem that specifies the maximum number of jobs that can compete at the same time for the processing unit.

activity trail

A record of operations that is used to identify which activities were done, the order in which they were done, and who performed them.


See activate logical unit.


See activate physical unit.

actual decimal point

In COBOL, the physical representation of the decimal point position in data using either of the decimal point characters (. or ,). The actual decimal point appears in printed reports and requires a position in storage. See also assumed decimal point.


(1) A device that causes mechanical motion.

(2) The device within an auxiliary storage device that moves the read/write heads.


See automatic calling unit.


A mechanism for connecting two unlike parts or machines, or for electrically or physically connecting a device to a computer or to another device.

adapter handler

In iSeries Access, a program that controls the operation of a communications adapter. For example, the twinaxial adapter handler controls the operation of a twinaxial adapter that is used to connect a personal computer to an iSeries server for iSeries Access functions.

adapter support software

The software used to operate adapters in a PC system and provide a common interface to application programs.

adaptive pacing

See also fixed session-level pacing. See adaptive session-level pacing.

adaptive session-level pacing

A form of session-level pacing in which session components exchange pacing windows that may vary in size during the course of a session. This allows transmission within a network to adapt dynamically to variations in availability and demand of buffers on a session-by-session basis. Session-level pacing occurs within independent stages along the session path according to local congestion at the intermediate and endpoint nodes. See also fixed session-level pacing.

adaptive session pacing

See also fixed session-level pacing. See adaptive session-level pacing.

add authority

A data authority that allows the user to add entries to an object; for example, to add job entries to a job queue or to add records to a file. See also delete authority.


A third-party application that adds new function to the iSeries Access for Windows® licensed program.

additional coding-related required information (ACRI)

A specification that is required by an encoding scheme to complete its definition, which extends beyond the character set and code page elements.


(1) The second part of a two-part user identification used to send distributions.

(2) An identifier for a particular location in storage, which allows a user to access specific data.

(3) The unique code assigned to each device, workstation or system connected to a network.


(1) A method of identifying storage locations.

(2) In data communications, the way that the sending or control station selects the station to which it is sending data.

address pool

In data communications, a collection of multipoint addresses. Each address can be associated with an individual communications session.

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

A protocol that dynamically maps an IP address to a network adapter address in a local area network.

address switch

A switch on a device that the user sets to represent the address of that device.

address type

In data communications, a value used to define the format and contents of an address field. Address types are associated with the originator address, the recipient address, and the reply-to address information. The address types supported by a system are defined when the mail server framework is configured. The value associated with an address type must be unique.

adjacent destination node

In OSI, a destination node that is also an adjacent node--that is, attached to the same subnetwork as the local node. See also intermediate system, nonadjacent destination node.

adjacent node

In OSI, a node that is attached to the same subnetwork as the local node. An adjacent node can be either a destination node or a relay node.


To move text so that it fits between the defined left and right margins or between the first and last typing lines.


See administration management domain.

administration management domain (ADMD)

In OSI X.400, a public organization that handles a management domain.

administrative domain

A collection of hosts and routers, and the interconnecting networks, that are managed by a single administrative authority.

Administrative Facility

In OSI, an interactive, menu-driven utility provided by OSI Communications Subsystem with which users define and maintain their network layout, installed protocols, available application entities, and other information used by OSI Communications Subsystem.

administrative repository

A database that contains configuration, problem, change, and inventory information needed to administer the information system. The repository can be used to perform the functions of configuration management, problem management, and change management.

admission control

A policy decision that is applied initially to QoS reservation requests for controlling the admission of network traffic into the network. Admission control is the process of ensuring that the load on the network links is manageable.

adopted authority

Authority given to the user by the object while the object is running. The object must be created with owner authority. These object types can have adopted authority: program, service program, and SQL package.

advanced assistance level

The type of displays that provide the same functions as the intermediate assistance level. However, the displays contain as much information as possible by not displaying the allowed function keys and options.

Advanced DBCS Printer Support

The IBM® licensed program that provides support for printers capable of printing double-byte character sets (DBCS).

Advanced Function Presentation™ (AFP™)

A set of licensed programs, together with user applications, that use the all-points-addressable concept to print data on a wide variety of printers or to display data on a variety of display devices. AFP includes creating, formatting, archiving, retrieving, viewing, distributing, and printing information.

Advanced Function Presentation data stream (AFPDS)

A presentation data stream that is processed in AFP environments. MO:DCA-P is the AFP interchange data stream. IPDS™ is the AFP printer data stream.

Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking® (APPN)

An extension to SNA that features distributed network control, dynamic definition of network resources, automated resource registration, and automated directory lookup. This network architecture supports the routing of data in a network between two or more Advanced Peer-to-Peer Communication (APPC) systems that do not need to be directly connected. See also network node.

advanced printer function (APF)

A function of the Application Development ToolSet feature that allows a user to design symbols, logos, special characters, large characters, and forms tailored to a business or data processing application.

Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC)

An implementation of the SNA LU 6.2 protocol that allows interconnected systems to communicate and share the processing of programs.


(1) An application that provides a recommendation or suggestion that is based on input from the user. Advisors do not perform functions or change system values.

(2) In Performance Tools, a tool used to analyze data collected by the performance monitor function of the operating system. The advisor analyzes a collection of performance data and produces a list of conclusions and recommendations to improve system performance.


See application entity. See also application entity title.

AE title

See application entity title. See also application entity, application process title.


See Advanced Function Presentation.


See Advanced Function Presentation data stream.

AFP resource

One of the resources that are used to produce printed output, including form definitions, page definitions, fonts, overlays (electronic forms), and page segments (graphic images).


The contents of a record in a physical file after the data is changed by a write or an update operation.


(1) In the two-phase commit protocol, a node at the bottom of the transaction program network hierarchy.

(2) An entity that represents one or more objects by (a) sending notifications regarding events and (b) handling requests from managers to modify or query the objects.

(3) A function that represents a requester to a server.

(4) In telephony, a customer service person whose job is to handle incoming or outgoing telephone calls.

Agent Building and Learning Environment (ABLE)

A Java framework and toolkit for constructing and deploying intelligent agents.

aggregate function

A function that optionally accepts arguments and returns a single scalar value that is the result of an evaluation of a set of like values, such as those in a column within a set of one or more rows. See also function, routine.

aggregate line speed

The maximum possible speed that data can be transmitted using a communications controller. The speed is determined using the sum of the speeds of the communications lines attached to the communications controller.

aggregate type

A user-defined data type that combines basic types, such as char, short, and float, into a more complex type, such as structs, arrays, strings, or sequences.


See Authentication Header.


(1) See automatic initiation descriptor.

(2) See attention identifier.

AID key

See attention identifier key.

alert controller description

A controller description that defines the system to which alerts will be sent on an alert controller session.

alert controller session

A type of SSCP-PU session on which alerts can be sent to a system that is designated as an alert focal point.

alert description

Information in an alert table that defines the contents of a Systems Network Architecture (SNA) alert for a particular message ID.

alert filter

A filter that is used to route and process Systems Network Architecture (SNA) alerts in a network and automates operations for local alerts or received alerts within a network.

alert focal point

The system in a network that receives and processes (logs, displays, and optionally forwards) alerts. An alert focal point is a subset of a problem management focal point.

alert table

An object consisting of alert descriptions that define the contents of a Systems Network Architecture (SNA) alert for particular error conditions. The system-recognized identifier for the object type is *ALRTBL.


A set of well-defined rules for the solution of a problem in a finite number of steps.


(1) In an internet, a name assigned to a server that makes the server independent of the name of its host system. The alias must be defined in the domain name server.

(2) An alternative name used instead of a primary name.

(3) The user name for a server in an implementation repository.


(1) In TCP/IP host table processing, a process used to convert internet addresses to host names or host names to internet addresses.

(2) In a TCP/IP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) application, a process used to convert SNA distribution services (SNADS) names in the origin and destination fields of a distribution to SMTP names. System and personal are the two types of aliasing on the System i™ platform.

alias queue object

A WebSphere® MQ object, the name of which is an alias for a base queue defined to the local queue manager. When an application or a queue manager uses an alias queue, the alias name is resolved and the requested operation is performed on the associated base queue.

all authority

An object authority that allows the user to perform all operations on the object except those limited to the owner or controlled by authorization list management authority. The user can control the object's existence, specify the security for the object, and change the object. See also exclude authority.


A long-term partnership formed between IBM and one or more other companies to develop and deliver a technology, product, or service. The participants in an alliance share the risks, the benefits, the revenue, and the expenses.

all object authority

A special authority that allows users to use all system resources without having specific authority to the resources.


To assign a resource to a specific task.

allocated length

In DDS, for variable-length character fields, the length that indicates the portion of the variable length field that should be reserved in the fixed portion of the physical file member.

all-points addressable (APA)

Able to address, reference, and position text, overlays, and images at any defined position or picture element (pel) on the printable area of the paper. This capability depends on the ability of the hardware to address and to display each picture element.

alphabetic character

A letter or other symbol, excluding digits, used in a language. Usually the uppercase and lowercase letters A through Z plus other special symbols (such as $ and _) allowed by a particular language.


In COBOL, a user-defined word, in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph of the Environment Division, that names a character set or collating sequence.


Pertaining to a character set that contains letters, digits, and usually other characters, such as punctuation marks.

alphanumeric character

A lowercase or uppercase letter, number, or special symbol.

alphanumeric cursor

In the GDDM® function, a physical indicator on a display. The alphanumeric cursor may be moved from one hardware cell to another.

alphanumeric edited item

In COBOL, an alphanumeric data item with a PICTURE character string that contains at least one B, 0, or /.

alternate console

A twinaxial console that acts as a backup console and is used only to determine why the system console failed. An alternate console cannot be used to install the system. The alternate console can manage the system only when the system console is defined as the twinaxial console during a manual IPL. See also twinaxial console.

alternate index

In CICS®, an index based on an alternate key. It allows the file to be processed in a secondary key order.

alternate installation device

A tape device that is used to load Licensed Internal Code from the tape device to the load-source disk unit during a restore or installation operation. The alternate installation device can be on a different bus unit or on a different input/output processor (IOP) than the load-source disk unit.

alternate installation IPL

A special type of installation IPL (a D-mode IPL) in which the system uses the installation device to IPL itself. The system then copies the Licensed Internal Code from the alternate installation device to the load-source disk unit.

alternate IPL

The process of loading code into main storage from a designated input/output device instead of from the load-source unit for the system, and of preparing for system operations. An alternate IPL is a Type D IPL., initial program load

alternate record key

In COBOL, a key, other than the prime record key, whose contents identify a record within an indexed file.

alternate user security

On z/OS®, the authority checks that are performed when an application requests alternate user authority when opening a WebSphere MQ object.

alternating array

In RPG, two arrays that are loaded together.

alternating current (ac)

An electric current that reverses its direction at regularly recurring intervals.

alternating table

In RPG, two tables that are loaded together.

alternative collating sequence

A user-defined collating sequence that replaces the standard EBCDIC collating sequence.

alternative console

A display device assigned by the operating system to function as the console if the console is not working. The system searches for an alternative console when contact with the system console fails.

alternative cylinder

A cylinder on the disk that is reserved by the system then made available in place of a cylinder that is damaged or defective.

alternative line

A second switched line to which a remote controller can be attached if the first communications line is not available.

alternative sector

A sector on the disk that is reserved by the system then made available when a sector is damaged or defective.

alternative shift

In iSeries Access, an operation that defines a different set of characters or functions for the keyboard when the Alt key is pressed; for example, the Backspace key may represent the clear function when the Alt key is pressed.

alternative transport class

In OSI, a transport class that an application entity will accept for use in an association. See also preferred transport class.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

A private, nonprofit organization whose membership includes private companies, U.S. government agencies, and professional, technical, trade, labor, and consumer organizations. ANSI coordinates the development of voluntary consensus standards in the U.S.

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)

A standard code used for information exchange among data processing systems, data communication systems, and associated equipment. ASCII uses a coded character set consisting of 7-bit coded characters. See also Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code.


Pertaining to data that consists of continuously variable physical quantities. See also digital.

anchor control

In the GUI designer tool suite of VisualAge RPG (a feature of the WebSphere Development Studio Client licensed program), when the user has selected a group of controls in the design window, the attributes of the anchor control, such as position, size, and alignment, are applied to the other selected controls in the group.

AND relationship

The specification of conditioning indicators so that the operation is performed only when all conditions are met.


See automatic number identification.


Pertaining to alphabetic, numeric, or katakana characters.


An added descriptive comment or explanatory note.


See American National Standards Institute.


An IBM implementation of the Multiprotocol Transport Network (MPTN) architecture, such as AnyNet/2 and AnyNet/MVS. AnyNet capability allows applications and associated services that use application programming interfaces, such as sockets, ICF, or CPI-Communications, the flexibility to use alternative network protocols, such as SNA or TCP/IP, and a variety of subnetwork types, such as a LAN, frame-relay, and ISDN.


(1) See application process.

(2) See application program.


See all-points addressable.


See authorized program analysis report.

APAR media

The diskette or the tape to which the user collects APAR information.


See Application Program Driver.


See application-layer protocol data unit.


See advanced printer function.


See application programming interface.


See Advanced Program-to-Program Communication.


A small application program that performs a specific task and is usually portable between operating systems. Often written in Java, applets can be downloaded from the Internet and run in a Web browser.

Applet Viewer

An application, which is part of Java 2 SDK, that demonstrates how an applet will look and behave.

application association

In OSI, a cooperative relationship between two application entities that enables them to exchange data.

application boundary

During the save-while-active operation, a point in time when all of the objects that a particular application is dependent on are: 1) at a consistent state in relationship to each other, and 2) in a state where the application can be started or started again.

application context

In OSI, a set of rules for two application entities to use for an association that provides a means for agreement on the type of processing to be done. Included are the set of application service elements and their options that are to be used for the association. The application context is negotiated by the ACSE when it establishes the association.

application context name

In OSI, a name that specifies the application context to be used for an association and the kind of work that an application does. In OSI, application context names are in object ID format. For applications that are defined by the ISO, such as FTAM, the ISO specifies application context names. For other applications, the application context names are specified by the user.

Application Development Toolset

A feature of the WebSphere Development Studio licensed program that provides an integrated set of application development tools, or utilities, to be used by programmers, analysts, and support personnel. This package includes the following utilities: programming development manager (PDM), source entry utility (SEU), file compare and merge utility (FCMU), interactive source debugger (ISDB), screen design aid (SDA), data file utility (DFU), report layout utility (RLU), and advanced printer function (APF). In addition, the character generator utility (CGU) is added to the package if the user's system supports the double-byte character set (DBCS).

application entity (AE)

In Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), the part of an application process that contains the OSI communications functions. Application entities can have more than one application association. See also application entity title.

application entity common name

In OSI, a user-defined character string recommended by ISO for identifying an application entity. The application entity common name is part of the distinguished name of an application entity and must be unique within its next higher-level object--the application process common name.

application entity descriptor

In OSI, information that identifies an application entity to OSI Communications Subsystem. The application entity descriptor also specifies the default application mode to be used for associations that are established by the application entity.

application entity environment

In OSI, an environment that OSI Communications Subsystem establishes when an application entity identifies itself to OSI Communications Subsystem. The OSI Communications Subsystem requires that an application entity environment be established before an application entity can be activated. See also application entity identifier.

application entity ID

See application entity identifier. See also application entity environment.

application entity identifier (application entity ID)

In OSI, a parameter that identifies a particular application entity to the programming interface. The programming interface returns the application entity identifier when the customer program builds an application entity environment. The customer program then uses the application entity identifier to identify itself to OSI Communications Subsystem on later calls. See also application entity environment.

application entity nickname

In OSI, the name by which the local OSI Communications Subsystem identifies an application entity title.

application entity object class

In OSI, the set of objects that are application entities.

application entity qualifier

In OSI, an optional integer field that further defines an application entity title.

application entity state

In OSI, a state that an application entity can be in. The state of an application entity determines what actions it can take.

application entity title (AE title)

In OSI, an identifier for an application entity that supplements the generic information in the application context name. Application entity titles are represented as distinguished names, and can also be optionally represented as object IDs. In object ID form, the application entity title consists of an application process title and an optional application entity qualifier. See also application entity, application process title.

application layer

In the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model, the layer that provides means for application processes residing in open systems to exchange information and that contains the application-oriented protocols by which these processes communicate.

application-layer protocol data unit (APDU)

In OSI, a protocol data unit in the application layer.

application mode

In the OSI Communications Subsystem licensed program, a set of values that represent the communications services requested when establishing an association. If the application entity uses the presentation layer services, the application mode specifies both presentation layer and session layer values; if the application entity uses the session layer services, the application mode specifies session layer values only. The application mode also indicates the transport mode to be used for an association.

application option

In System Manager, a group of one or more loads, one of which must be a code load. An application option is an independent piece of an application program that may or may not be used with the base application program.

application plan

The control structure that is produced during the bind process. DB2 Universal Database™ for z/OS uses an application plan to execute SQL statements.

application process (AP)

(1) In OSI, the part of an application that resides in a single node. An application process consists of one or more application entities and other parts of an application that are unrelated to OSI data communications.

(2) A unit to which resources and locks are allocated. An application process involves the running of one or more programs.

application process common name

In OSI, a user-defined character string recommended by ISO for identifying an application process. The application process common name is part of the distinguished name of an application.

application process title

In OSI networking, the identifier for an application process. This and the application entity qualifier make up an application entity title. See also application entity title.

application program (AP)

A complete, self-contained program, such as an editor or electronic mail, that performs a specific task for the user, in contrast to system software, such as the operating system kernel, server processes, and program libraries.

Application Program Driver (APD)

An IBM licensed program used to integrate multiple applications into a common environment and to integrate functions common to those applications. The APD/400 program provides a standardized interface that allows users to access their applications and to switch between applications.

application programming interface (API)

An interface that allows an application program that is written in a high-level language to use specific data or functions of the operating system or another program.

application requester

The source of a request to a remote DRDA-enabled relational database management system (RDBMS). See also application server.

application server

The target of a request from an application requester. The database management system (DBMS) at the application server site provides the requested data. See also application requester.

application service element (ASE)

A set of functions in the application layer of OSI that provides a capability for the interworking of application entities for a specific purpose on a single application association. The set of functions is identified during association establishment to be used or provided by the peer application entities.

application shell (SH)

The CICS facility that provides the work management mechanism to build and refresh the application programming environment needed to run CICS transactions.

application support protocol

The protocol that connects application requesters and application servers.

application variable pool

The set of all dialog variable values for an open application.


See Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking. See also network node.

appropriate privileges

A level of authority possessed by a process in which the user profile under which the process is running has *ALLOBJ special authority.


A service that copies inactive files from disk to removable media for longer term storage and removes the files from disk to free disk storage space. The user can select specific objects or groups of objects to include or exclude from the archive process.

archive candidate

In Backup Recovery and Media Services, an object or document that has been selected by an archive control group to archive. Archive candidates are reported on the Archive Candidate Report, which is produced by the Start Archive using BRM (STRARCBRM) command.

archive control group

In Backup Recovery and Media Services, a group of objects (lists) that share common archive characteristics. The default values for archive control groups are defined in the BRM archive policy and can be used or overridden in each archive control group.

archive policy

In Backup Recovery and Media Services, a policy that defines the default values that are used in archive control groups. Archive policy values can be overridden at the individual archive control group level. The archive policy inherits defaults from the system policy. System policy defaults can be used or overridden in the archive policy.


A storage management operation that saves disk space by selecting infrequently used objects, saving the objects to tape, and then deleting the objects from disk.

area-specific help

In an application program using DDS, help information supplied by the programmer for the area of the screen where the cursor is located when the person using the program presses the Help key.


A value passed to or returned from a function or procedure at run time.

argument list

(1) In REXX, a complete set of arguments, separated by commas, that are passed between a calling routine and a called routine.

(2) In UIM, a list of values that are passed to a program.

arithmetic expression

A statement that contains values joined together by one or more arithmetic operators and that is processed as a single numeric value.

arithmetic operation

(1) In COBOL, the process caused by the running of an arithmetic statement or the evaluation of an arithmetic expression that results in a mathematically correct solution to the arguments presented.

(2) An operation such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or exponentiation that is performed only on numeric fields.

arithmetic operator

A symbol used to represent a mathematical operation, such as + or -, used to indicate addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or exponentiation.

arithmetic statement

In COBOL, a statement that causes an arithmetic operation to be run. The arithmetic statements are the ADD, COMPUTE, DIVIDE, MULTIPLY, and SUBTRACT statements.


See Address Resolution Protocol.


An arrangement of data in one or more dimensions, such as a list, table, or multidimensional arrangement of items.

array element

One of the data items in an array.

array file

In RPG, an input file containing array elements.

array index

In RPG, the actual number of an element in an array, or the field containing the number or relative position of an element in an array.

arrival sequence

An order in which records are retrieved that is based on the order in which records are stored in a physical file. See also keyed sequence.

arrival sequence access path

An access path to a database file that is arranged according to the order in which records are stored in the physical file.


See Abstract Syntax Checker.

ascending key

The values by which data is arranged from the lowest value to the highest value of the key field in accordance with the rules for comparing data items. See also descending key.

ascending key sequence

The arrangement of data in order from the lowest value of the key field to the highest value of the key field. See also descending key sequence.

ascending sequence

The arrangement of data in order from the lowest value to the highest value, according to the rules for comparing data. See also descending sequence.


See American Standard Code for Information Interchange. See also Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code.

ASCII line-mode display station

A display station that has the characteristics of Teletype equipment or typewriters. The display station has a one-line input field at the bottom of the screen. The output field is located above the input field and receives data, one line at a time, with the most recent data at the bottom of the output field.

ASCII port sharing

A function that allows the user to have different ASCII devices (programmable or nonprogrammable work stations) share the same port, at different times, without needing to manually create a configuration description for each new device.


See application service element.


See Abstract Syntax Notation One.

ASN.1 encoding rule

In OSI, a rule that specifies the representation during transfer of the value of any ASN.1 type. ASN.1 encoding rules enable information being transferred to be identified by the recipient as a specific value of a specific ASN.1 type.

ASN.1 type

In OSI, data type defined by ASN.1 notation, for example, Boolean values and bit strings.


(1) See auxiliary storage pool. See also system ASP, user ASP.

(2) See Active Server Page.

(3) See auxiliary storage pool. See also main storage pool.

aspect ratio

The ratio of one dimension to another, for example, the ratio of the width of a graphic to its height as it appears on the display.


(1) In REXX, a single clause with the form symbol = expression. An assignment gives a variable a new value.

(2) The process of giving a value to a variable.

assignment conversion

In the C language, a change to the form of a value where the operand being assigned is converted to the type of the variable receiving the assignment.

assignment name

In COBOL, a word that associates a file name with a device.

assignment statement

A statement that gives a value to a variable. It always contains the assignment symbol (=).

assistance level

The type of displays that a user selects to interact with the system. The three levels of assistance available are basic, intermediate, and advanced.

association control service element (ACSE)

In OSI, a set of services defined by ISO 8649 for controlling an application association between two application entities that communicate using a presentation connection. The ACSE services provide a means to establish and release an association between the application entities.

association environment

In OSI, an environment that OSI Communications Subsystem for AS/400® establishes for an association. OSI Communications Subsystem for AS/400 requires that an association environment be established before an application entity can establish an association.

association establishment

In OSI, the process of creating an association between two application entities. After an association is established, the application entities can exchange data.

association ID

See association identifier.

association identifier (association ID)

In the OSI Communications Subsystem licensed program, a parameter that identifies a particular association to the programming interface. The programming interface returns the association identifier when the application entity builds an association environment. The application entity then uses the association identifier to specify the association on later OSI Communications Subsystem calls.

association release

In OSI, the process of ending an association between two application entities. After an association is released, the application entities can no longer exchange data.

association states

In the OSI Communications Subsystem licensed program, the set of states that an association can be in after an association environment is established. The state of an association determines what actions the application entity can take for that association.

assumed decimal point

In COBOL, a logical decimal point position that does not occupy a storage position in a data item. It is used by a compiler to align a value properly for calculation or input/output operations. See also actual decimal point.

asterisk fill

A type of numeric editing that puts asterisks to the left of a number to fill unused positions. Example: *****476.12

asymmetric keys

In computer security, the two keys in a key pair. The keys are called asymmetric because one key holds more of the encryption pattern than the other does.


See asynchronous. See also synchronous.

asynchronous (ASYNC)

(1) In cross-site mirroring, pertaining to the mode of geographic mirroring in which the program issuing the update waits until the operation is complete on the production copy and received for processing on the target system.

(2) Pertaining to events that are not synchronized in time or do not occur in regular or predictable time intervals. See also synchronous.

asynchronous balanced mode

In communications, an operational mode of a balanced data link in which either combined station can send commands at any time and can initiate transmission of response frames without explicit permission from the other combined station. See also normal response mode.

asynchronous balanced mode extended (ABME)

In communications, an operational mode in which modulus 128 sequence numbers are used.

asynchronous batched update

A process in which all changes to the source are recorded and applied to existing target data at specified intervals. See also asynchronous continuous update.

asynchronous communication

A method of communication supported by the operating system that allows an exchange of data with a remote device, using either a start-stop line or an X.25 line. Asynchronous communication includes the file transfer support and the interactive terminal facility support. See also start-stop.

asynchronous continuous update

A process in which all changes to the source are recorded and applied to existing target data immediately after being committed in the base table. See also asynchronous batched update.

asynchronous controller description

A controller description that represents a remote system or device when using asynchronous transmission methods on an asynchronous communications line or when using non-SNA protocols on an X.25 communications line to communicate with the system.

asynchronous disk I/O

In Performance Tools, a disk access operation that is not expected to complete before program operation can continue. See also synchronous disk I/O.

asynchronous I/O

A series of input/output operations that are being done separately from the job that requested them.

asynchronous messaging

A method of communication between programs in which a program places a message on a message queue, then proceeds with its own processing without waiting for a reply to its message. See also synchronous messaging.

asynchronous operation

An operation that occurs without a regular or predictable time relationship to a specified event. While the asynchronous operation is performed, the application program is allowed to continue execution. For example, the calling of an error diagnostic routing may receive control at any time during the execution of a computer program.

asynchronous processing

A series of operations that are done separately from the job in which they were requested; for example, submitting a batch job from an interactive job at a work station. See also synchronous processing.


A data-link level communications protocol that allows data to be transmitted over an asynchronous line using a control protocol similar to SDLC.

asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)

A communications method in which information is organized into small, fixed-length cells that recur without regular or predictable time relationships. ATM incorporates network switches and negotiated service connections.

asynchronous transmission

A method of transmission in which the sending and receiving of data is controlled by control characters such as a start bit and a stop bit, instead of by a timing sequence. See also synchronous transmission.


See automatic transaction initiation. See also trigger level.


See automated tape library.


See asynchronous transfer mode.

ATM address

A 20-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies an end system in an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) network. i5/OS registers a unique ATM address for each input/output adapter (IOA).

ATM forum

A worldwide organization that promotes asynchronous transfer mode within the industry and the end-user community. The ATM forum defines two basic standards of interoperability: user-to-network interface (UNI) 3.0 and UNI 3.1.


(1) In commitment control, a characteristic that allows individual changes to objects to appear as a single change.

(2) In DB2 UDB for iSeries SQL, a characteristic of database data definition functions that allows the function to complete or return to its original state if a power interruption or abnormal end occurs.

attached processor

In telephony, a host computer that is attached by a communications line to a telephone switch and that is controlling some, if not all, of the switch functions.


(1) An entire device or feature attached to a processing unit, including required adapters.

(2) A file that is attached to an e-mail message or other electronic document.

attachment reference

A string of data representing a reference to an attachment. The format and contents of the attachment reference are defined by the attachment reference type.

attachment reference type

A value used to define the format and contents of an attachment reference, so that the programs that work with specific types of attachment references are supported. The attachment reference types supported on a system are defined when the mail server framework is configured. The value associated with an attachment reference type must be a unique type value.

attachment unit interface

See transceiver cable.

attended mode

An Operations Console state that requires the local console operator to approve each remote request for control of a System i product when the local console is in control.

attended mode IPL

A type of IPL in which the IPL stops at the dedicated service tools (DST) environment, allowing the user to make changes to the system or to debug a problem with the system. Continuing the IPL allows the system to stop at various steps of the remaining IPL into the i5/OS operating system, allowing the user to make additional changes within the i5/OS installation. See also unattended mode IPL.

attention identifier (AID)

A character in a data stream that is sent to the host system when a display station user presses an attention identifier (AID) key. Typical AID keys are function keys or the Clear, Enter, Page Up, Page Down, Help, Print, and Home keys.

attention identifier key (AID key)

A key that causes an attention identifier (AID) to be sent to the host system when pressed, such as a function key or the Clear, Enter, Page Up, Page Down, Help, Print, and Home keys.

attention-key-handling program

A user-defined program that is called when the workstation user presses the Attention (Attn) key.


(1) In user interface manager (UIM) tag language, an identifier used with related material that takes on a specific meaning, such as an action to be taken or the characteristics of text or data.

(2) A characteristic or trait of an entity that describes the entity; for example, the telephone number of an employee is one of that employee's attributes.

attribute character

A character associated with a field in a display file record format that defines how the field is displayed.

attribute object

In a threaded program, any pthreads data structure that is used to specify initial states when you create certain resources such as threads, mutexes, and condition variables.


Pertaining to the portion of recorded information that can be heard.

audio part

In VisualAge RPG, a nonvisible part that allows the application to play audio sounds, such as music and speech.


To review and examine the activities of a data processing system mainly to test the adequacy and effectiveness of procedures for data security and data accuracy.

audit journal

A journal used by the system to keep a record of security-relevant events that occur. System name is QAUDJRN.

audit level

The types of user actions that are currently being audited for the entire system or for specific users on the system. Actions that can be audited include authority failures and restoring objects. A record of each action is written to the audit journal.

audit trail

A chronological record of events or transactions. An audit trail is used for examining or reconstructing a sequence of events or transactions, managing security, and recovering lost transactions.


Relating to the ear or to the sense of hearing.


(1) In computer security, verification of the identity of a user or process and the construction of a data structure that contains the privileges that were granted to the user or process.

(2) In computer security, a process that ensures that the identities of both the sender and the receiver of a network transaction are true.

authentication algorithm

In a virtual private network (VPN), an algorithm that converts variable-length input data into fixed-length output data.

authentication context

A data structure that contains information that relates to a single connection between two applications.

Authentication Header (AH)

In a virtual private network (VPN), a security protocol that provides data authentication.

authentication level

See protection level.

authentication method

In a virtual private network (VPN), a procedure that is used to verify the identity of the sender of a message.

authentication protocol

A formal procedure for verifying a principal's network identity. Kerberos is an instance of an authentication protocol.

authentication server

A part of the key distribution center (KDC) that verifies the identity of a principal through a name and a password. If the identity is authenticated, the server issues a ticket-granting ticket.


In the Kerberos protocol, a string of data that is generated by the client and sent with a ticket that is used by the server to certify the identity of the client.


In Domain Name System (DNS), pertaining to a server that has complete information about a particular domain.


The right to access objects, resources, or functions.

authority checking

A function of the system that looks for and verifies a user's authority to an object.

authority holder

An object that specifies and reserves an authority for a program-described database file before the file is created. When the file is created, the authority specified in the holder is linked to the file.

authority lookup

In Performance Tools, the process whereby the Licensed Internal Code determines whether a particular user ID is authorized to access a specific object.

authority nickname

In the OSI Communications Subsystem licensed program, a nickname for the higher portion (a set of names that are higher in the hierarchy) of an application entity's distinguished name. The authority nickname refers to that portion of the application entity's distinguished name above the application process common name. The authority nickname can be shared by many application entities.


(1) The process of granting a user, system, or process either complete or restricted access to an object, resource, or function.

(2) In computer security, the right granted to a user to communicate with or make use of a computer system.

authorization ID

See authorization identifier.

authorization identifier (authorization ID)

A character string that designates a set of privileges and can be used to verify authority. An authorization ID can represent an object, an individual user, an organizational group, or a function.

authorization list

A list of two or more user IDs and their authorities for system resources. The system-recognized identifier for the object type is *AUTL.

authorization list management authority

An object authority that allows the user to add users to, remove users from, and change users' authorities on the authorization list.


To allow a user to communicate with or make use of an object, resource, or function.

authorized program analysis report (APAR)

A request for correction of a defect in a current release of an IBM-supplied program.


See automatic answering. See also automatic calling.


See automatic calling. See also manual call, automatic answering.


The batch file that contains DOS commands or program names that are automatically run on a personal computer immediately after DOS is loaded.

automated tape library (ATL)

A tape library that performs its functions under direct software or application control.

automatic answer

In data communications, a line type that does not require operator action to receive a call over a switched line. See also manual answer.

automatic answering (auto-answer)

A machine feature that permits a station to respond without operator action to a call it receives over a switched line. See also automatic calling.

automatic bind

A process by which SQL statements are bound automatically (without a user issuing a BIND command) when an application process begins execution and the bound application plan or package it requires is not valid. See also dynamic bind, static bind.

automatic call distribution (ACD)

In telephony, a service that allows incoming telephone calls directed to the same dialed number to be routed to one of multiple agents, all of whom can provide the same service to the calling party and all of whom are assigned to the same ACD group.

automatic calling (auto-call)

A feature that permits a station to initiate a connection with another station over a switched line without operator action. See also manual call, automatic answering.

automatic calling unit (ACU)

A dialing device that permits a computer to automatically dial calls over a network.

automatic cleanup

The system process of automatically deleting items, such as old job logs, history log messages, system journals, and system logs, from the system on a daily basis.

automatic configuration

A function that names and creates the descriptions of network devices and controllers attached to a preexisting line. The objects are also varied on at a user's request.

automatic data

Data that is stored in automatic storage. See also static data.

automatic dial

A function of the system that allows a system to automatically dial a remote station over a switched line without the assistance of an operator.

automatic duplication

An option of the data file utility (DFU) function of the Application Development ToolSet feature that allows information from a previous record to be automatically copied into the current record.

automatic duplication indicator

In DFU, a field on the DFU Entry display that tells if the automatic duplication function is on or off.

automatic function

Work done by the computer that a user does not explicitly have to request.

automatic hyphenation

An option available when creating a document that automatically hyphenates words at the end of a line when the lines are adjusted.

automatic initiation descriptor (AID)

In CICS, an interval control element (ICE) that has expired. If all of its required resources are available, it becomes an enabled AID. If it is waiting for a resource to become free, it becomes a suspended AID.

automatic key generation

An option of the data file utility (DFU) function of the Application Development ToolSet feature that allows DFU to assign record keys to the records of a file.

automatic Licensed Internal Code completion

A function of the system that automatically attempts to complete interrupted machine instructions following an abnormal end of the system processing.

automatic number identification (ANI)

In telephony, a service available in the United States that is provided by enhanced switch networks and that passes the calling party's telephone number through the network to the called party's telephone number.

automatic ranging

In Business Graphics Utility, the use of system-supplied values to determine the intervals on a chart so that the maximum and minimum data values can be represented on the work station or plotter.

automatic report

A function of the RPG licensed program that uses simplified specifications and standard RPG/400® specifications to create a complete RPG/400 source program.

automatic report program

A set of instructions (program) that use the RPG automatic report function.

automatic storage

An area that is allocated by the system when a program or procedure is called. Within automatic storage, data is defined each time the program or procedure is called. See also dynamic storage, static storage.

automatic transaction initiation (ATI)

The initiation of a CICS transaction by an internally generated request, for example, the issue of an EXEC CICS START command or the reaching of a transient data trigger level. CICS resource definition can associate a trigger level and a transaction with a transient data destination. When the number of records written to the destination reaches the trigger level, the specified transaction is automatically initiated. See also trigger level.

automatic vary on

An option specified during the creation of configuration objects that allows them to be available when the system is started (IPL).


A universal mechanism to exchange network capabilities between two Ethernet nodes. The exchange takes place at power-up (or link reset) time. It automatically establishes a link that takes advantage of the highest common denominator of the mutual capabilities of the two Ethernet nodes. The universal mechanism negotiates capabilities that include link speed, PHY types, and full duplex or half duplex.


(1) An OSI Communications Subsystem function that starts an X.25 line automatically when the line set that it belongs to is started.

(2) Pertaining to a system activity that starts automatically, usually based on the start or end of some other activity.

autostart job

A batch job doing repetitive work or one-time initialization work that is associated with a particular subsystem. The autostart jobs associated with a subsystem are automatically started each time the subsystem is started.

auxiliary storage

All addressable storage other than main storage. See also memory.

auxiliary storage pool (ASP)

(1) A group of disk units defined from the auxiliary storage devices. See also system ASP, user ASP.

(2) One or more storage units that are defined from the storage devices or storage device subsystems that make up auxiliary storage. An ASP provides a way of organizing data to limit the impact of storage-device failures and to reduce recovery time. See also main storage pool.

auxiliary storage - TS queue

In CICS, a temporary storage queue that is in a physical file managed by CICS. Auxiliary storage should be used to store large amounts of data, or data needed for a long period of time. See also main storage - TS queue.


The condition allowing users to access and use their applications and data.


Pertaining to a logical unit or device that is active, connected, enabled, and not at its session limit.


See Abstract Window Toolkit.


In Business Graphics Utility and the GDDM function, one of the intersecting horizontal or vertical scales where data values are plotted on a chart.

axis grid line

In Business Graphics Utility and the GDDM function, a straight line extending perpendicular to either axis at each major tick.

axis label

In Business Graphics Utility, the name of a major tick on a vertical or horizontal axis.

axis range

In Business Graphics Utility, the upper and lower limits of the vertical or horizontal lines.

axis title

In the GDDM function, a text string describing what an axis represents.