Appendix D. SQLDA (SQL descriptor area)


An SQLDA is a set of variables that is used for execution of the SQL DESCRIBE statement, and it may optionally be used by the PREPARE, OPEN, CALL, FETCH, and EXECUTE statements. An SQLDA can be used in a DESCRIBE or PREPARE statement, altered with the addresses of storage areas106, and then used again in a FETCH statement.

SQLDAs are supported for all languages, but predefined declarations are provided only for C (and C++), COBOL, ILE RPG, PL/I, and REXX. In REXX, the SQLDA is somewhat different than in the other languages; for information on the use of SQLDAs in REXX, see the Embedded SQL Programming book.

The meaning of the information in an SQLDA depends on its use.

An SQLDA consists of four variables in a header followed by an arbitrary number of occurrences of a base SQLVAR. When the SQLDA desribes either LOBs or distint types the base SQLVARs are followed by the same number of occurrences of an extended SQLVAR.

Base SQLVAR entry

The base SQLVAR entry is always present. The fields of this entry contain the base information about the column or variable such as data type code, length attribute (except for LOBs), column name (or label), CCSID, variable address, and indicator variable address.

Extended SQLVAR entry

The extended SQLVAR entry is needed (for each column) if the result includes any LOB or distinct type columns. For distinct types, the extended SQLVAR contains the distinct type name. For LOBs, the extended SQLVAR contains the length attribute of the variable and a pointer to the buffer that contains the actual length. If locators or file reference variables are used to represent LOBs, an extended SQLVAR is not necessary.

The extended SQLVAR entry is also needed for each column when:

  • USING BOTH is specified, which indicates that column names and labels are returned.

  • USING ALL is specified, which indicates that column names, labels, and system column names are returned.

The fields in the extended SQLVAR that return LOB and distinct type information do not overlap, and the fields that return LOB and label information do not overlap. Depending on the combination of labels, LOBs and distinct types, more than one extended SQLVAR entry per column may be required to return the information. See Determining how many SQLVAR occurrences are needed.

106. A storage area could be the storage for a variable defined in the program (that may also be a host variable) or an area of storage explicitly allocated by the application.

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