Embedded SQL programming
This topic collection explains how to create database applications in host languages that use DB2 Universal Database™ for iSeries™ SQL statements and functions.
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- What's new for V5R4
This topic highlights the changes made to this topic collection for V5R4.
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- Common concepts and rules for using embedded SQL
Here are some common concepts and rules for using SQL statements in a host language.
- Coding SQL statements in C and C++ applications
To embed SQL statements in an ILE C or C++ program, be aware of some unique application and coding requirements. This topic also defines the requirements for host structures and host variables.
- Coding SQL statements in COBOL applications
There are unique application and coding requirements for embedding SQL statements in a COBOL program. In this topic, requirements for host structures and host variables are defined.
- Coding SQL statements in PL/I applications
There are some unique application and coding requirements for embedding SQL statements in a PL/I program. In this topic, requirements for host structures and host variables are defined.
- Coding SQL statements in RPG/400 applications
The RPG/400® licensed program supports both RPG II and RPG III programs.
- Coding SQL statements in ILE RPG applications
You need to be aware of the unique application and coding requirements for embedding SQL statements in an ILE RPG program. In this topic, the coding requirements for host variables are defined.
- Coding SQL statements in REXX applications
REXX procedures do not have to be preprocessed. At run time, the REXX interpreter passes statements that it does not understand to the current active command environment for processing.
- Preparing and running a program with SQL statements
This topic describes some of the tasks for preparing and running an application program.
- Example programs: Using DB2 UDB for iSeries statements
Here is a sample application that shows how to code SQL statements in each of the languages that DB2® UDB for iSeries supports.
- CL command descriptions for host language precompilers
The DB2 UDB for iSeries database provides commands for precompiling programs coded in these programming languages.
- Related information for embedded SQL programming
Listed here are the product manuals and information center topics that relate to the Embedded SQL programming topic collection. You can view or print any of the PDFs.