id="sqldaunrec">Unrecognized and unsupported SQLTYPES
The values that appear in the SQLTYPE field of the SQLDA are dependent on the level of data type support available at the sender as well as the receiver of the data. This is particularly important as new data types are added to the product.
New data types may or may not be supported by the sender or receiver of the data and may or may not even be recognized by the sender or receiver of the data. Depending on the situation, the new data type may be returned, or a compatible data type agreed upon by both the sender and receiver of the data may be returned or an error may result.
When the sender and receiver agree to use a compatible data type, the following indicates the mapping that will take place. This mapping will take place when at least one of the sender or receiver does not support the data type provided. The unsupported data type can be provided by either the application or the database manager.
Table 101. Compatible Data Types for Unsupported Data Types Data Type Compatible Data Type BIGINT DECIMAL(19,0) ROWID VARCHAR(40) FOR BIT DATA
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