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Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Take a test drive of the site

Before you design and fully implement the portal, take thirty minutes to test drive and explore the default site. This tutorial offers you a step-by-step approach for getting started with the default site and provides examples of how you can arrange your site content and navigational layout. Once you complete each of these steps, you will understand what is provided to you after installation before performing significant design and development work.


Learning objectives

What does test driving the site actually involve? Test driving the site involves walking through the steps of this tutorial while logged in to the site to create a foundation for future design work. The learning objectives of this tour are as follows:

This tutorial should take approximately 30 minutes to finish. If you explore other concepts related to this tutorial, it could take longer to complete.



In this tour, you assume the role of an administrator walking through the default interface.



This tutorial assumes that you have already installed the product and are logged in to the site. See Before you start administering the portal for instructions on launching and logging in to the site.


Expected results

The purpose of this test drive is that you become familiar with the layout of the default site, many of the features available to you, how to navigate in the site, and how to perform basic administrative tasks.


Lessons in this tutorial

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