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Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Step 3: Adding a portlet to your new page

Step 3 of this tutorial demonstrates how quickly and you can customize the new page you created in Step 1 by dragging a portlet to the page from the Portlet Palette.

During Steps 1-2, you created a page in the home area of the site and added a subpage to your new page. You can customize your page further by adding portlets, such as the World Clock, to this page.


To add World Clock to the new page you created in the Home area of the site:

  1. Click Open Portlet Palette to open the Portlet Palette.Locating the Portlet Palette

  2. The Portlet Palette currently contains three categories: Personal, Productivity, and Messaging. Open the category named Productivity.

    • Categories organize portlets in the Portlet Palette for easy retrieval of portlets you frequently add to the page.

    • When you open the Portlet Palette, the first category (Personal) is opened by default.

    Viewing and accessing categories

  3. Click on World Clock and continue to hold the mouse key down.World Clock in the Portlet Palette

  4. Drag World Clock to a destination on your page. A horizontal bar appears as you drag the World Clock over areas on the page where you can drop the portlet. When you drag the World Clock in close proximity of a permissible drop zone, the color of the horizontal bar changes from a muted to a more saturated tone.Dragging World Clock to the page

  5. Drop World Clock to the page by releasing the mouse key.Dropping World Clock to the page

  6. Click Close Portlet Palette to close the Portlet Palette.
You have successfully added World Clock to your page.World Clock added to the page


Tutorial checkpoint

During this segment of the tutorial, you have learned the following:

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