

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Work with folders and views

Documents are organized into folders and views within a document library.

Users navigate a hierarchy of folders in Document Manager which contain documents, folders, and views. Depending on how the administrator has configured Document Manager, documents, folders, and views contained in the working document library appear either in a tree view, table view, or both. This section provides an overall picture of how Document Manager stores documents in folders.

Document Manager provides default folders that are named All Documents, Locked Documents, Private Drafts, and Submitted Drafts. Users can also create folders within the working document library to organize their documents. However, if the administrator has locked the folder structure in a library, copying, moving, deleting, creating and editing folders is not allowed. Folders and their contents can be searched within the library.

Users can also create special collections of folders and documents called views to display specific documents that match a query. A view shows you a related set of files. Create a view by selecting specific query parameters. For example, if you want to view all documents that are about cats, you can enter "cat" as a parameter. If you want to view all documents authored by John Smith, you can enter "John Smith" as a parameter. If you want to view all documents that are about cats and authored by John Smith, you can enter "cat" and "John Smith" as parameters. The more criteria you add to a view, the more refined the end result.

These topics provide details about working with folders and views:


Parent topic:

Document Manager portlet