

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Copying a folder

Copy a folder.

You can use the copy and move functions to rearrange folders or create new folders. Use the copy function to create a new copy of a folder, including all the documents in that folder. The copied folder must be pasted into a different location than the original. Copying folders is disabled when the administrator has locked the folder structure in a library.

To copy a folder...

  1. Click on the library name or on the parent folder containing the folder you wish to copy, then click the check box next to the folder name.

  2. Click the More Actions button and select Copy from the drop-down menu.

  3. Select the destination library or folder that will receive the copied folder.

  4. Click Copy to complete the copy action.


Parent topic:

Working with folders and views


Related tasks
Creating a folder Editing a folder Deleting a folder Moving a folder