

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Enable workflow for document approval

Enable workflow for this Document Manager portlet instance so that users can approve review documents.

Before you enable the draft approvals workflow for Document Manager, confirm that the portal and Document Manager portlet meet the following criteria:

  1. Navigate to the Document Libraries page.

  2. Find the document library for which you want to enable the draft approvals process.

  3. Click the edit icon next to the document library.

  4. In the Edit Library window. click Enable workflow.

  5. Select the appropriate approver group.

  6. Save the settings.


Parent topic:

Working with document libraries


Related concepts
Configuring security


Related tasks
Navigating to the Document Libraries portlet Configuring the Document Libraries portlet Customizing the Document Libraries portlet Working with drafts, versions and workflow